Monday, 19 September 2011

Day 7 Weigh in

Hurrahhhh 5 pounds off, I am so pleased to be back into the health kick, already clothes are beginning to feel loser again!!!

Had a great weekend, bbq hunting, well its a great time of year to buy one as all the garden centres are trying to flog them off at the end of season.  So we managed to secure a large Weber one for a great price.  I have told Paul I have bought it for him, well he may do some of the cooking then!! lol

Have to confess only a cup of coffee (bad)

Chicken sandwich

Chicken kebab

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Day 4 - shopped so much it hurt!

Decided i needed to get Charlotte some new winter shoes today and then Daddy jumped on the band wagon and asked if I could get him some, so I thought, ok why not turn it into a shopping expedition and head on up to Bicester village, designer heaven!!  So childfree thats exactly what I did, intending to only be a couple of hours, but getting so into it all I stayed all day.  Stopped at Pret a Manger for lunch even though Carluccios was calling to me, and was very, very good despite the goodies tempting me.

It was lovely to be able to walk into the designer stores and now find clothes that fit, which I haven't been able to do for years, (Paul is groaning at the thought).  I think I must have a very understanding husband as when I phoned him to ask was £xxxx too much to spend on an everyday handbag, he simply said "not if you like it" how cool is that?  In the end though i put my sensible head back on and realised very pale suede was not the most practical and would be covered in sticky handprints (mine) within days, so it lives on the shelf in the shop for another day.
I did however manage to get all the shoes required, some gorgeous clothes for Lottie, and I even snuck in a new throw for the bedroom (not sure Paul is happy about that one)

2 breakfast biscuits

Tuna nicoise salad
salted popcorn
skinny latte

crab with spaghetti and lemon juice
fresh pineapple

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Day 3 - Facelifts

No not me, but our house.  Yes just when I thought I had got rid of the builders, the painters arrived today to paint the exterior of the front of  the house. The first coat is on and now its begining to look great, it will be ready for sale soon!! ha ha, or we may just decide to actually just live in it and enjoy it.

Must have burnt off many calories today as I haven't stopped, ironing, cleaning, feeding animals and chatting (lots of calories there) oh a woman's work is never done.  Oh also had a shouting match with the tax man, god they are frustrating. None of it saw me reaching for the chocolate or the wine though so that was good!

1 slice toast with boiled egg

half olive ciabatta with mushrooms in creme fraiche
1 solero ice lolly

poached trout with posh mushy peas and mange tout
1 pear

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Day 2 - Still Shocked

Ok woke up, looked in the mirror and had a shock, yep the hair is still short, and to be honest I am not sure whether i like it or not.  I think so but god is it taking some getting used to.

Took Charlotte to get her new ballet uniform, she has outgrown everything over the summer holiday so it was brand new everything.  She loved it and I have to confess so did I, I mean who wouldn't want to see their gorgeous little girl in a new, very pink and very full tutu! I only wish they had one to fit me, actually on second thoughts, its a good job they don't!

very small bowl of cereal and skimmed milk

Half olive ciabatta with 40g of smoked bacon

Pork escalope with creme fraiche and chilli jam
Roasted gnocchi
green beans

Monday, 12 September 2011

Third Time Lucky - Day 1

Ok I am back (again) third time lucky, I am ashamed to say I have put a whole stone back on and feel like a real pig.   So today I am trying again.  Started by having my haircut, which I have to say was a bit drastic (short) but I guess it will grow again.  It would certainly look better with a slimmer face so there's an incentive if ever there was one.

Its not going to be easy I know that, but I have to try again and see what I can do.  I think my mind is back in the right place so lets see how we go!

1 slice toast

Prawn dumplings and breadsticks

1/2 olive ciabatta with grilled chicken breast, onion and rocket salad
Raspberries and 1 teaspoon of half fat creme fraiche