Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Day 3 - Facelifts

No not me, but our house.  Yes just when I thought I had got rid of the builders, the painters arrived today to paint the exterior of the front of  the house. The first coat is on and now its begining to look great, it will be ready for sale soon!! ha ha, or we may just decide to actually just live in it and enjoy it.

Must have burnt off many calories today as I haven't stopped, ironing, cleaning, feeding animals and chatting (lots of calories there) oh a woman's work is never done.  Oh also had a shouting match with the tax man, god they are frustrating. None of it saw me reaching for the chocolate or the wine though so that was good!

1 slice toast with boiled egg

half olive ciabatta with mushrooms in creme fraiche
1 solero ice lolly

poached trout with posh mushy peas and mange tout
1 pear

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