Monday, 25 July 2011

Day 1 - Start at the very beginning

Ok as I have really not been concentrating on the weight loss for weeks now I thought that the only way I could really give myself a kick was by pretending I was starting again, so today will be day 1!!!!  I have put on 6 pounds over the last 6 weeks (at least I am consistent) but that has to come off, before those 6 pounds become 3 stone and I am back to where I began.

Today has been a bit stressful to say the least with it being entirely dominated by one very bossy 3 year old, I have no idea where she gets it from!!  Apparently she wasn't well enough to go to nursery but then was miraculously better only an hour later arrrghhhhhh!!! There were several times I thought about raiding the chocolate drawer or eating the cake that was left over from weekend, but I am very very proud to say I didn't.

2 breakfast biscuits

chicken and sweetcorn soup
2 savoury cheese biscuits

Salmon fillet
Roasted gnocchi
posh mushy peas

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