Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Day 2 - Chilli Flakes

So I wondered what today had instore when, sleep deprived, I was awoken (again) by my gorgeous little daughter demanding I go to her.  All this running up and down stairs must be good for me.  Alas she isn't very well (bad cough) and just like her Mummy does not take to being ill very well.  Its always stressful when children are not well but I still managed a good day of eating.

1 slice toast with low fat leerdammer slice

Prawn dumplings and breadsticks with wasabi and soya dip - which my daughter pinched most of!

Sea bream fillet with chilli flakes
Courgettes roasted with chilli flakes
Gnochhi roasted with chilli flakes (you can see I was getting my chilli fix in, and my god it was hot but fab)
Strawberries and blueberries

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