Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Day 107 - Sickness

God what a horrendous night.  About 6 months ago I started getting really bad sickness each month and went for lots of tests to thankfully find out there was nothing wrong with me, went on to some tablets and everything seemed fine.  Well tablets finished last week and the sickness has come back with avengence, here was I blaming Zumba for making me feel so dreadful, however I am sure that not even Zumba makes you projectile vomit (sorry too much info) So all in all had only 3 hours sleep last night and still feel pretty rotten today, so a trip back to the doctor is called for.  So forgive today's very odd menu, all pointed but a bit weird and not really split into meals as eaten at strange times.

1 banana
2 breakfast biscuits
slice of toast with leerdammer light slice
3 rich tea biscuits
200g of roasted gnocchi

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Day 106 - Zumba

Had a lovely day with Lottie today, was rushing around trying to get everything organised for going on holiday on Friday, there always seems so much to do.  The sunshine was gorgeous today though and it just made me smile.

Was going to go to the gym tonight, but at the weekend I had bought Zumba for the Wii so I decided I would do that instead, oh my god! unless you have legs of rubber it obviously isnt the work out for you, I just must be so unco-ordinated because I just couldn't get it right, but my god did I think I had done a work out.  I thought I would start with the beginners level and it said do just 20 minutes on your first day, I nearly laughed, what, only 20 minutes god how hard can that be.  5 minutes in I was praying for the 20 minutes to end!  Oh well will have another go Thursday when no one is looking!

toast and peanut butter

Tortilla with leerdammer light slice and chilli jam
Rice krispy square
1/2 bag of snackajacks

3 quorn sausages
roasted butternut squash

Monday, 18 April 2011

Day 105 - Weigh In 15

Hurrrahhhhh another 3 pounds off, taking me to 39 pounds gone.  God I am so so happy.  I think this may have been something to do with the amount of exercise and water I have been doing and drinking, which worries me this week as I don't have as much time.  Will just have to get running down Port Erin Promenade in the mornings!!

Have to confess to being a little worried about how I am going to stay on track when away for a week, especially as Mum only has dial up internet which takes forever and I do need to track online.  She is a healthy eater though and so should help me.  I can't believe it but am actually taking a little food box with me in case I can't get my staples over there, god its not a third world country, but my Mum says the shops are very short of WW produce!

2 breakfast biscuits

Salad with shredded ham and 1 leerdammer light slice
4 breadsticks
Rhubarb with muller light yoghurt

Small sea bass fillet
Posh mushy peas
2 WW cookies

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Day 104 - Ringing the Changes

Ok a corny title for what has been a beautiful day.  My lovely husband took me out today to choose an eternity ring.  He has always said he would do it when he thought the time was right, and apparently that was today.  He had actually suggested it a couple of weeks ago but I hadn't believed him!! Silly girl.  So we went to Tunbridge Wells to what we call "our jeweller" as he has made all the jewellery Paul has ever bought for me, from my engagement ring, to our wedding bands, earings, wedding necklace etc, and as always he has come up trumps.   We spotted it as soon as we walked through the door, it matches my engagement ring perfectly.  Just can't wait to get it made for me now, we tweaked a couple of things to personalise it and it should be ready in about 3 weeks, god I am such a lucky lucky woman.

We then went to late lunch at Mum and Dad inlaws which as always was lovely, sitting out in their garden is just so peaceful, it backs straight on to the grounds of the Manor house and so is not overlooked and they keep it beautifully so it is so tranquil.  Have to confess to consuming a little too much bubbly, but only to keep Mum in law company obviously, however it was all pointed so very happy.

Hovis with peanut butter

a bite of Charlotte's sandwich and a coffee latte (didn't want to spoil appetite for dinner)

Roast garlic chicken
2 potatoes
fruit salad

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Day 103 - Gym Goal Achieved

Ok I set myself a goal at the start of the week that I would do 3 sessions of exercise this week and today I achieved it by going to the gym late afternoon and following it with a swim.  I still ache from the running I did on Wednesday but am slowly beginning to feel better.

Spent the morning in the gorgeous sunshine in the garden sorting out my salad planter and veg patch. I definitely have visions of being all Nigella esk and wandering out to pick fresh salad and veg for dinner, the reality will probably be some limp looking lettuce and courgette with everything.  I seem to be able to grow endless supplies of courgette, so much so that Paul almost threatened to leave a couple of years ago if I tried to make him eat any more, I was almost at the stage of trying courgette ice cream!

Nipped into town to get some easter bits, and decided to buy a new top, can't believe it is a size 16 and fits!!! result.  Also had to buy some new jeans as these are just way too big, I have now gone down 2 sizes, so am loving that I can shop in normal shops again.

a pear

lemon sole flaked with chilli jam on a flour tortilla with rocket

Homemade turkey and sage burger with roasted squash and mushrooms

Friday, 15 April 2011

day 102 - a lovely day

Had such a great day with Lottie today, she was in a fab mood and it just made me smile. We went swimming this morning and she is getting on really well, I was just holding her swimsuit really gently (the way my Mum used to) and she was swimming along, I am sure if I had let go she would have carried on, but I didn't want to push it,will try that next week.

Went shopping for some more gym clothes, I wanted a pair of jogging bottoms that didn't look like I had slept in them! Also if I am going to be running and cycling more I needed something a little less baggy!  Well I bought some expensive running pants, that are so close fitting they made Lottie laugh, oh well nothing ventured.  My fashion guru (Paul) checked them for me and said they were actually really good, so now I have the confidence to wear them outside of the house.

Had an evening off, but still pointed everything so feel very much in control, am loving losing this horrid fat!

1 banana with muller light yoghurt

Tortilla with prawns chilli jam and rocket
1 WW ginger biscuit

Chicken shashlick with 1 spoon of chana masala
3 glasses of wine
1 curly wurly

Anchovies - 2pps
4 breadsticks - 1pps yum yum yum

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Day 101 - Ouch

After working so hard at the gym yesterday I knew I would be in trouble today and god was I, stupidly I put heals on for work and thought I would be ok.  Well by 10 I was looking a bit like a cross between bambi and dumbo, every step hurt, and each time I had to get up from my desk to go to the printer or talk to someone I loudly moaned!! I am sure people thought I was about 70!

I decided the only way to get better was to go back to the gym on the way home, well the swimming pool and spa to be precise.  I attempted to drive my car past the end of the hotel driveway but unfortunately it has a mind of its own and drove me straight in, parked itself and made me walk up the steps.  I did lots of swimming, and could actually feel the muscles relaxing, thank god.  Then treated myself to a lovely hot jacuzzi and then 5 mins in the steam room, boy I feel like a new woman now!  Well almost.

2 breakfast biscuits

Butternut squash, rocket and chick pea salad with crab
Muller light yoghurt

My own version of cheesy chips (I was craving them but wanted to stay in points)
200g of roasted gnocchi and 1oz of cheddar cheese
1 small glass of wine

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Day 100 - wow 100 Days!!!!

Can't believe that today is my 100th day on plan, I have never ever stuck at anything this long before and I am so so proud.  How did I celebrate????  I spent 90 minutes slogging it out in the gym and now I can hardly move, I was running so fast and hard that my phone shot off the treadmill and ended up half way across the gym, thank god it wasn't me!!! lol

Had a truly manic day had a couple of business meetings, did lots of lovely (?) housework and of course the gym, oooooh and found something amazing today, they are called collar bones and I haven't seen them for a number of years, I'm not quite sure where they have been hiding, but today they reappeared!!!

2 WW breakfast biscuits

Prawn dumplings
1 Pear

Small chicken breast wrapped in parma ham
Roasted Gnocchi

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Day 99 - Day Out

Well today I took Lottie to Woburn safari park for a bit of Mummy Daughter time, we haven't been for a day out together on our own for a few months and we were both really looking forward to it.  I decided to pack a picnic so I wouldn't be tempted, and also didn't want to have to go to the restaurant and try and balance a tray, a Lottie, and everything else on my own. 

We had a wonderful day, its brilliant at the park because they let children get out of their car seats and stand up in the cars or (as Lottie wanted to do) sit on my knee and help me drive round the circuit.  We got very close (sometimes too close off road) to lions, giraffes, black bears, tigers and of course monkeys, oh and not forgetting the rhinos, which I was extremely pleased to report have even larger bottoms than I do!

As is always the way, the day out left me exhausted, it is always fun, but tiring with a 3 year old, who runs everywhere and then when tired, demands to be carried!  So by the time Lottie was in bed I was fit for nothing, and was just about to tell Paul he would have to order out for dinner or nip to the chip shop, when I stopped myself and realised just why I was doing this in the first place, and how quick I could rustle up a couple of omlettes for us and stick within points.  How good am I!!!

Wholemeal toast with 1 spoon of reduced fat peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with leerdammer light, chilli jam and rocket
French fry crisps
Stewed Rhubarb

3 egg omlette with parma ham and 1oz of cheese

WW lemon and ginger cookies

Monday, 11 April 2011

Day 98 - Weigh in 14

Actually don't tell anyone but I weighed in yesterday as I knew I was not going to have any time this morning as I had to dash out to nursery and then straight into the office and I weigh in on my wii fit so it isn't a case of just stepping on the scales.  So I decided to sacrifice the extra day and get it over with.  Woooo hoooooo 3 pounds off, am absolutely delighted as this gave me my 5th 7 star and takes me to almost 15% loss.  Still have 13 pounds to go to hit my next goal by holiday at end of June, so please let me do that.

Decided today as I was in the office I would have no excuse to have a glass of water permenantly on the go on my desk, well it was great, but I was running to the toilet every 10 mins, oh well a bit of exercise is always good.

2 ww breakfast biscuits

Salad of rocket, butternut squash, chick peas, chilli and 1 leerdammer light slice
Muller light yoghurt

Cod wrapped in parma ham
Roasted gnocchi
Green beans
Pear with choc yoghurt and a crumbled up funsize crunchie a huge 5 point desert but my treat for doing so well this week.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Day 97 - Non Stop

Can't believe how busy or how fast the day went today.  After being up in the night with Lottie and eventually getting in to her bed with her just so I could grab some sleep (all of which went entirely unnoticed by hubby), we were up and out early to Sunday school, what a good girl am I?  Lottie really enjoys it, and of course I am not doing it to get her into the right school!

Came home and worked tirelessly in the garden which now less resembles a jungle and looks more like an actual garden complete with flowers and veg plot. I then hung out washing, cleaned out guinea pigs and did more weeding.  Lottie helped me to plant lots of things which she loves, and then helped Daddy to wash the conservatory roof which resulted in them both getting absolutely soaked.  Daddy then took Lottie to the park for an hour whilst I did the ironing and cooked spaghetti bolognese (Lottie's fave).  Finally managed to relax in the bath at 7.00 for half hour before getting out and cooking dinner yet again!  Phew glad I am working tomorrow, may actually get a bit of a rest.

2 breakfast biscuits

humous and breadsticks
1/2 a wrap with low cheese and sweet chilli

Squid and chorizo with roasted butternut squash, asparagus and green beans
WW toffee mallow biscuit
Glass of wine.  (thank's Barb for the offer of a trip to Melbourne to buy more, would love to, but think I may just have to pop to Waitrose in the meantime. xxx)

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Day 96 - I can cope

Feel really proud of myself when I can actually cope with going out for lunch without blowing things.  We popped into Windsor to do some shopping and stopped for lunch, went to Ha ha which is one of my faves, and what did I have, did I have calamari, humous and lots of yummy pitta bread, or creamy risotto, or chips, no I had chicken and chorizo salad with no dressing, was soooooooooooooo yummy though.  Well Ben Shepherd who was sitting directly behind me seemed to think so, ooooh he is a bit yummy too.  Of course I didn't recognise him, but then I never do, maybe thats why I am seldom starstruck, because I just don't know who they are!?

Lottie had her photo taken professionally today as a test for a studio slot we have booked in the next couple of months.  I wasn't sure how she would take to it as she can be really shy, but I needn't have worried she was fab and had everyone cooing and fussing over her in minutes, the pics were brilliant too.  This I think prompted Paul (who is a great photographer) to update his kit and he bought a new camera and home lighting studio, so I am sure we will have cute photos of Lottie all over the place now!

Home produced rhubarb with yoghurt

Chicken and Chorizo salad with 1oz of daughter's chips

Pork medalions with mushrooms
Roasted butternut squash
Funsize Crunchie
2 glasses of Brown Brothers Tarrango, - absolutely love this, try it if you fancy a chilled red in the summer, it is totally delicious, Thank you Aunty Jean for introducing my Mum to it last time she was in Australia.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Day 95 - Shattered

Have had a brilliant day but also exhausting as I just don't seem to have stopped.  Lottie had her best friend Emilia round to play this morning and demanded that they have a picnic in the sunshine, so before she arrived we needed to go shopping for picnic food (oh joy).  I thought i was very restrained as I didn't eat any of it and totally ignored the delicious looking and smelling pink cup cakes we brought back from the shops with us.

After they had finished playing we did some gardening and then headed of for the park where I pushed her for ages on the swing (great for the bingo wings) and then we walked along the river to try and find some hungry ducks, well someone had obviously beat us to it as they certainly didn't want much of our wholemeal bread.  Ok it was a little stale, but I am sure ducks weren't that fussy when I was a child.

Was going to go to the gym tonight but was exhausted and then Paul phoned to say there was an hour and a half delay on the M25 so would be late. 

wholemeal toast with peanut butter

Half a wholemeal bap with low fat humous and 4 grisini breadsticks
 Strawberries and grapes

Chicken Shashlic (chargrilled chicken, peppers and onions)
3 spoons of Chana Masala
2 small glasses of wine

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Day 94 - all about the garden

Actually had a day to myself today so I decided to use it wisely. First went off to see my fish man, but horror of horrors, not the usual cute and hunky one, no, think this must be his Dad!!! oh well fish still delicious and plentiful so bought lots.  Then came home and marinaded the tuna I had bought with soya sauce and lime ready for my Tuna Sashimi lunch.  Tidied up the house and then got the table set in the garden, complete with trashy magazines, and took out my tuna sashimi and roasted baby gnocchi and sat in the sunshine for an hour.

Decided then that I would spring into action, well ok maybe not quite spring, more limp slowly! and head off to the garden centre, came back and planted out all my veg, this year I am growing courgettes, butternut squash, chillis, sweet peppers, spring onions, cauliflower, peas and beans.  I have grown everything from seed this year, and am so chuffed with the results, lets just hope they don't now get eaten by slugs as inevitably happens.    God I worked hard, must surely have earned some activity points!!

2 WW breakfast biscuits

Tuna Sashimi with baby roasted gnocchi

Prawns with 50g of rice, onions, mushrooms and asparagus
Curly Wurly!!! hurrrahhhhh

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Day 93 - totally tropical

To wake up and see sunshine is such a lovely sight, to realise that some of your summer clothes actually now fit is even nicer!  I spent the first half an hour of the day deciding what to wear for my meeting in Barcelona tomorrow, and then the next 6 hours trying to reschedule it as the client has decided to move the meeting, arrrggghhh, oh well thats how it goes sometimes, at least it means that I can enjoy the sunshine at home tomorrow, planning to shoot off to the gym and then spend the day gardening.

Had to cope with a major tantrum from Charlotte, she hasn't had one for ages and then decided she would melt down today, they really really upset me as she is such a lovely happy little girl that when she is screaming at me it rips me apart.  Spotted some chocolate in the fridge and was just about to hoover it up, when my willpower kicked in and I stopped, eating your way out of upset is not the way!

2 breakfast biscuits

Tortilla wrap with low fat leerdammer and sweet chilli jam
walkers square crisps
1 pear

Sea bass fillet
posh mushy peas

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Day 92 - all systems go

Hurrahhh although the estate agent called me this morning with a house in our ideal location, budget and size, we are not tempted and have signed contracts with our builder to begin work on the extension, and also to have him redo our bathroom and flooring in the kitchen and downstairs toilet and utility.  Its amazing I can't quite believe we are finally going to finish the house, and who knows we may even live in it for a while before putting it on the market!!!

Had another busy day, just occupying Lottie is a full time occupation, running around after her, taking her to ballet, painting, sticking, drawing, trying to get her to eat, still great fun and wouldn't change a thing.  She was an absolute star today and I loved every minute, she is just so funny, loveable and wonderful, although I would say that wouldnt I.

Wholemeal toast and 10g of reduced fat peanut butter

1 slice of Wholemeal bread
mushrooms, and dried crispy bacon strip (from M&S but only 2 points for 4 and they are delicious)

Homemade turkey burger with sage, garlic and onion
Sweet potato

Monday, 4 April 2011

Day 91- Weigh in number 13

Ok I was told off this morning about my lack of committment to these blogs recently and I guess that goes the same for the WW plan, so I am totally back to being focused this week (thanks again Jennie, don't know what i would do without you)

So it was weigh day this morning and to say I was dreading it was putting it mildly, even though I have only had the odd day off over the last 2 weeks I was sure I was going to be punished for it, well imagine my delight to find I had lost 2 pounds!!!! hurrah, it was just what i needed to get right back on the wagon again.

I was really busy today both with work, then house work then gardening, drank lots of water and ate good food!  Its amazing actually how much better I feel when eating proper food.

Wholemeal toast with 10g of reduced fat peanut butter

Prawn dumplings with wasabi soya sauce
french fry crisps

Lemon sole fillet with chorizo on rocket and asparagus salad, with roasted gnocchi
1 pear with chocolate yoghurt - my god sooooooooooooooo yummy

Day 90 - A day for Mothers

Had a wonderful Mother's day from start to finish, even if it started a little earlier than was absolutely necessary.  Lottie was so excited to give me my card and present she came bounding in at a little after 6, ouch!  I had the most beautifully handmade card and a gift of a day at Richmond Fish School learning all about cooking fish and shellfish, I couldn't have got anything better, I absolutely love fish and this is something I have wanted to do for ages.  Thank you Paul for pointing Lottie in the right direction!

I was then taken out for breakfast at the Runnymede hotel which I totally recommend, it was amazing, ok it may not be as cheap as the cafe round the corner, but wow, it was yummy and i did indulge, but hardly had any lunch and no dinner to speak of so think I will be ok.

full english breakfast with freshly squeezed orange juice and a small piece of banana bread

very very small bit of fish pie with lots of vegies
fruit salad

funsize crunchie! lol

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Day 89 - Help for Heroes

Went into Windsor to do some shopping today and found it was Help for Heroes day, which immediately brought me out all emotional.  I feel very strongly that anyone who is injured in fighting in our services should automatically be looked after and not have to rely on handouts from charity to give them support, so we spent and donated money, and generally had a lovely day.  Stopped for lunch and I was so sorely tempted to have something bad, but thankfully my lovely husband guided and supported

Went bowling with Lottie in the late afternoon and she loved it, and again resisted the temptation for popcorn or sweets.  Then went home and pottered round the garden, which was lovely until Patch the guinea pig inadvertantley bit Lottie (they don't see very well) thankfully didn't draw blood as he had with me last week, but it took plenty of cuddles to calm her down.  She did however then go back to feeding him, so don't think it left any lasting impression.


Chicken and chorizo salad with orange and pomegranite dressing - (donated most of the chorizo to Paul), absolutely scrummy

Chicken in pitta bread and anchovies (ok strange but yum)

Day 88 - NCT

Had a fantastic night out with the NCT girls, hence no post, sorry, very late back and a little tipsy!

Wasn't hungry all day so didn't really eat which meant the first glass of prosecco (and the second and third) hit the spot perfectly!

Was so lovely to see all the girls again and help to celebrate Justina's 40th, she took our humourous presents with very good grace, even the rude ones.

I was quite restrained with eating, but probably did drink rather too much but as my lovely husband says, you have to still live your life and enjoy things.  So rare to get an evening out, I certainly did that.

Wholemeal toast

nothing (did have a bowl of homemade butternut squash soup though about 5pm)

3 pieces of calamari
5 olives
Nicoise salad
piece of birthday cake
too much wine!