Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Day 106 - Zumba

Had a lovely day with Lottie today, was rushing around trying to get everything organised for going on holiday on Friday, there always seems so much to do.  The sunshine was gorgeous today though and it just made me smile.

Was going to go to the gym tonight, but at the weekend I had bought Zumba for the Wii so I decided I would do that instead, oh my god! unless you have legs of rubber it obviously isnt the work out for you, I just must be so unco-ordinated because I just couldn't get it right, but my god did I think I had done a work out.  I thought I would start with the beginners level and it said do just 20 minutes on your first day, I nearly laughed, what, only 20 minutes god how hard can that be.  5 minutes in I was praying for the 20 minutes to end!  Oh well will have another go Thursday when no one is looking!

toast and peanut butter

Tortilla with leerdammer light slice and chilli jam
Rice krispy square
1/2 bag of snackajacks

3 quorn sausages
roasted butternut squash

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