Saturday, 2 April 2011

Day 89 - Help for Heroes

Went into Windsor to do some shopping today and found it was Help for Heroes day, which immediately brought me out all emotional.  I feel very strongly that anyone who is injured in fighting in our services should automatically be looked after and not have to rely on handouts from charity to give them support, so we spent and donated money, and generally had a lovely day.  Stopped for lunch and I was so sorely tempted to have something bad, but thankfully my lovely husband guided and supported

Went bowling with Lottie in the late afternoon and she loved it, and again resisted the temptation for popcorn or sweets.  Then went home and pottered round the garden, which was lovely until Patch the guinea pig inadvertantley bit Lottie (they don't see very well) thankfully didn't draw blood as he had with me last week, but it took plenty of cuddles to calm her down.  She did however then go back to feeding him, so don't think it left any lasting impression.


Chicken and chorizo salad with orange and pomegranite dressing - (donated most of the chorizo to Paul), absolutely scrummy

Chicken in pitta bread and anchovies (ok strange but yum)

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