Saturday, 16 April 2011

Day 103 - Gym Goal Achieved

Ok I set myself a goal at the start of the week that I would do 3 sessions of exercise this week and today I achieved it by going to the gym late afternoon and following it with a swim.  I still ache from the running I did on Wednesday but am slowly beginning to feel better.

Spent the morning in the gorgeous sunshine in the garden sorting out my salad planter and veg patch. I definitely have visions of being all Nigella esk and wandering out to pick fresh salad and veg for dinner, the reality will probably be some limp looking lettuce and courgette with everything.  I seem to be able to grow endless supplies of courgette, so much so that Paul almost threatened to leave a couple of years ago if I tried to make him eat any more, I was almost at the stage of trying courgette ice cream!

Nipped into town to get some easter bits, and decided to buy a new top, can't believe it is a size 16 and fits!!! result.  Also had to buy some new jeans as these are just way too big, I have now gone down 2 sizes, so am loving that I can shop in normal shops again.

a pear

lemon sole flaked with chilli jam on a flour tortilla with rocket

Homemade turkey and sage burger with roasted squash and mushrooms

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