Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Day 99 - Day Out

Well today I took Lottie to Woburn safari park for a bit of Mummy Daughter time, we haven't been for a day out together on our own for a few months and we were both really looking forward to it.  I decided to pack a picnic so I wouldn't be tempted, and also didn't want to have to go to the restaurant and try and balance a tray, a Lottie, and everything else on my own. 

We had a wonderful day, its brilliant at the park because they let children get out of their car seats and stand up in the cars or (as Lottie wanted to do) sit on my knee and help me drive round the circuit.  We got very close (sometimes too close off road) to lions, giraffes, black bears, tigers and of course monkeys, oh and not forgetting the rhinos, which I was extremely pleased to report have even larger bottoms than I do!

As is always the way, the day out left me exhausted, it is always fun, but tiring with a 3 year old, who runs everywhere and then when tired, demands to be carried!  So by the time Lottie was in bed I was fit for nothing, and was just about to tell Paul he would have to order out for dinner or nip to the chip shop, when I stopped myself and realised just why I was doing this in the first place, and how quick I could rustle up a couple of omlettes for us and stick within points.  How good am I!!!

Wholemeal toast with 1 spoon of reduced fat peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with leerdammer light, chilli jam and rocket
French fry crisps
Stewed Rhubarb

3 egg omlette with parma ham and 1oz of cheese

WW lemon and ginger cookies

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