Monday, 18 April 2011

Day 105 - Weigh In 15

Hurrrahhhhh another 3 pounds off, taking me to 39 pounds gone.  God I am so so happy.  I think this may have been something to do with the amount of exercise and water I have been doing and drinking, which worries me this week as I don't have as much time.  Will just have to get running down Port Erin Promenade in the mornings!!

Have to confess to being a little worried about how I am going to stay on track when away for a week, especially as Mum only has dial up internet which takes forever and I do need to track online.  She is a healthy eater though and so should help me.  I can't believe it but am actually taking a little food box with me in case I can't get my staples over there, god its not a third world country, but my Mum says the shops are very short of WW produce!

2 breakfast biscuits

Salad with shredded ham and 1 leerdammer light slice
4 breadsticks
Rhubarb with muller light yoghurt

Small sea bass fillet
Posh mushy peas
2 WW cookies

1 comment:

  1. Say hi to the family from me! When I go to my mum and dads I mostly do my own cooking and have a stash of my food there, mum is good at doing things how I eat now so I get a few meals off from cooking. One thing I have also learned is that it's ok to take a break from being strict, it's a good test of how your body deals with it but I never go over board! I also only drink water and exercise less but always still record a loss! You end up doing more day to day which balances things out! Go for a few long walks x x congrats on your losses so far x x x x
