Monday, 4 April 2011

Day 91- Weigh in number 13

Ok I was told off this morning about my lack of committment to these blogs recently and I guess that goes the same for the WW plan, so I am totally back to being focused this week (thanks again Jennie, don't know what i would do without you)

So it was weigh day this morning and to say I was dreading it was putting it mildly, even though I have only had the odd day off over the last 2 weeks I was sure I was going to be punished for it, well imagine my delight to find I had lost 2 pounds!!!! hurrah, it was just what i needed to get right back on the wagon again.

I was really busy today both with work, then house work then gardening, drank lots of water and ate good food!  Its amazing actually how much better I feel when eating proper food.

Wholemeal toast with 10g of reduced fat peanut butter

Prawn dumplings with wasabi soya sauce
french fry crisps

Lemon sole fillet with chorizo on rocket and asparagus salad, with roasted gnocchi
1 pear with chocolate yoghurt - my god sooooooooooooooo yummy

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