Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Day 148 - I'm back

I know I have been away for nearly a week and I would love to say that even though I haven't been on here I have been strict with my eating, ha, well unfortunately I would be lying as I have not.  In fact I ate really badly over this weekend.  I have given myself a significant kicking and am back on the wagon and now have just 3 weeks to lose 6 pounds so I am going to have to be very very strict to reach my holiday goal, I can do this!!!!

hovis toast with marmite

prawn dumplings with mushrooms

cod in parma ham with roasted butternut squash

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Day 142 - Arrrrrggghhh

Had a very stressful day at work today, trying to wade my way through pharmaceutical compliance records when the clients we are representing don't even know what their delegates names are let alone their ID numbers or heaven forbid what flight they might actually want to get to the event!  I give up.

Came home and walked into what effectively was my very own ash cloud.  Yes the builders had decided today was the day to knock the wall down to make room for the new stairs, god the mess is horrible.  This nearly drove me to pig out until I stopped and realised that stress eating is not the way to lose weight!  So I got a cloth and the hoover and set to work, will have to do it all again tomorrow but oh well!

3 belvita biscuits

chicken breast grilled on salad of rocket, green beans and asparagus
2 breadsticks

Lemon sole fillet
Yoghurt and grapes

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day 141 - Map My Run

OK folks I am sorry I haven't blogged for the last couple of days but things have just been absolutely manic with the builders and everything.  I'm here now and am pleased to report a 1 pound loss last week.  Not totally happy though that things have slowed down so have decided I need to go back to exercising some more.

Had a busy day and didn't move from my desk, so when I got home I was desparate to get moving and as it was such a gorgeous day I decided to go for a power walk and see if I could throw in a bit of a jog.  Well off I marched, and loved every minute of it.  Decided to map the walk when i got home and was surprised how far I had walked in just half an hour. 

2 breakfast biscuits

prawn and rocket wrap with lemon low fat mayonnaise
walkers french fries

small chicken breast wrapped in parma ham
roasted gnocchi
asparagus and green beans

Friday, 20 May 2011

Day 137 - Another struggle

Had a great day and didn't weaken once but Paul was out again tonight - some boring work safety council dinner and my first thought was, oh I can treat myself.  I do wonder when my mind is ever going to change.  The odd thing about tonight was though, that although I kept thinking hmmmm what can I have, nothing appealed and I kept thinking, don't do it, you will ruin the week.  So I had a bath and a small glass of wine, and then cooked dinner straight away so that I was full and didn't risk calling out for pizza!

wholemeal toast with 1 boiled egg

prawn dumplings

Squid and mushrooms stirfried with sweet chilli sauce and 75g of noodles
curly wurly

2 small glasses of wine.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Day 136 - Planning

It is true what they say about planning, because today I had a great day all day, was mad busy at work and didn't feel hungry once.  However when I got home I realised I had not thought about what I was going to have for dinner and I was really hungry.  I walked round the kitchen opening fridges, freezers and cupboards and although they were all full, I kept saying to myself "oh I have nothing in, I will have to order takeaway" there then followed a frustrated Alison walking out of the kitchen saying "oh no you wont" before walking back in again and starting the cycle all over again. To make matters worse I knew Paul was going out, and so I could just treat myself and not have to worry about cooking for him!  arrrrrgggghhhhhh.  I decided I would treat myself to a small glass of wine, oooohhhh nooo this only made things worse.  I extracted the takeaway menu from my hand, and put an egg whisk in it, an omlette would work!  Have to say it was lovely, I ate it and as I knew I was struggling, came upstairs to bed so I could not hear the dairy milk bar calling to me from the fridge.  Hurrah I resisted temptation!

3 Belvita breakfast biscuits

Wrap with chicken and rocket
French fry crisps

Omlette with chicken, mushrooms and 1 leerdammer light cheese slice
glass of wine

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Day 135 - Manic

had an absolutely manic day today, trying to arrange three medical seminars for a client (not something I usually do) its very intense as there is so much compliance to be aware of, but I am really enjoying it.   It also means I don't have a minute to think about eating and actually had to remind myself today to eat lunch (unheard of)

In my spare time (huh) I am trying to interior design our new bedroom and bathroom, which is fab as I have been told I can push the boat out, and oh I will!!!

2 breakfast biscuits

rocket salad with chicken

M&S count on us fish pie
Count on us choc desert with fresh raspberries

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Day 134 - Feeling Good

You know there are some days when you just wake up feeling good, well today was one of them and lasted until I shouted at a woman in Sainsbury's car park for parking in a parent and child space with no children.  Had a busy day with Lottie but we had a lot of fun, she is such a helpful little girly it really is fab when she is in a good mood!

Had lots of deliveries for the new bathroom today so I thought I would venture into the loft to see how things are progressing, its looking good but feels a little small, there may not be room for Paul, Me and all my shoes, oh well I guess there is always the shed!! lol

2 breakfast biscuits

Chicken and sweetcorn soup
Walkers french fry crisps
Rich tea biscuit

Homemade turkey and sage burger
Gnocchi, green beans and asparagus

Monday, 16 May 2011

Day 133 - yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhh 3 stone gone for good!

Stepped on the scales feeling good this morning for the first time in ages I was not worried about weigh in because I just knew I had lost, I did however think it would be a big loss and when it was only 2 pounds I have to confess to being slightly disappointed. However it does take me to a 3 stone loss and my 6th 7 star, so I am very happy with how far I have come.  My next goal is in sight as I have 6 weeks to lose 7 pounds, my goal was to have lost 3 1/2 stone before holiday at end of June, and I AM going to do it!

Have to do some more exercise this week as I really think that is the secret, that and drinking lots of water, I have been carrying a 1 1/2 litre bottle round with me all week and ensuring i drink at least one of them a day!

2 breakfast biscuits

tortilla wrap with ham and rocket picked from our garden
French fry crisps


peking duck pizza (ok a big treat I know but I have to live too)

Day 132 - Bye Bye Mummy

Had to take Mum and Tom back to the airport today so was not very happy, I miss them sooooooooooooo much its really hard.  There are times I most definitely think about moving back to the Island but unfortunately it would have to be without my husband as he won't and can't go, he just would not get the career he has now, and as I love him totally its not really an option.  Oh well I will just have to settle for trying to see them as much as possible, now that the house is growing it will be easier.

Crumpet with marmite

Chicken and spare ribs with coleslaw

1 chocolate

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Day 131- Brother Loves Travelling Salvation Show

Having a brilliant weekend with Mum and Tom being over, Lottie is loving every minute of being spoilt by her Grandparents and I am just loving spending time with Mum.

Today Paul and I managed to escape for an hour to go and choose some tiles and a basin for the ensuite, I am sooooo excited about how things are shaping up.  The dormer has not been put into the roof so you can see how big the room is going to be and its looking great.

We all went out for lunch and although I blew 23 points on a pizza I decided that it was worth it and just didn't eat anything else for the day so it still stuck within my daily allowance.

Mum and I went out at night to see the Brother Loves Travelling Salvation show, which will mean absolutely nothing to any non Neil Diamond fans.  It was a tribute from Brian Connolly and Darren Day to the great man (no he's not dead) and it was done with a west end feel, but in a circus big top.  Absolutely amazing, we danced all night so must have jiggled off a few calories too!

Crumpet with marmite

Funghi Pizza
10 olives

2 breadsticks
1 satsuma

Friday, 13 May 2011

Day 130 - Horses horses everywhere

Spent the day with Mum and Tom and Lottie at the Windsor horse show and it was fantastic.  Lottie really loved it especially the shetland pony grandnational which was unbelievably cute.  There were some fantastic stands selling wonderful things, including a private Hermes area which thankfully for Paul I didn't go into!

Walked miles which was brilliant and I felt so good, I just know that 6 months ago I would have been exhausted after a day spent entirely on my feet, but today I just felt good!

small slice of bread with boiled egg

Prawn dumplings with rocket picked from our garden!

haven't had it yet as lottie woke up being sick half an hour ago and is currently sitting up with us watching Humph, so may not get anything.

Day 129 - My Mummy's here

Sorry for the late post but my Mum arrived today and time seemed to fly.  We are really close which is brilliant and always have so much to talk about.

2 breakfast biscuits


cod wrapped in parma ham with roasted butternut squash and green beans
2 v small glasses of wine

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Day 128 - Sooooooooooooooooo busy

Why is it that life can just be soooooooooooooo busy, I was going to take some time off work, yet I am busier than I have ever been, I am determined to take most of the summer off though, and project manage finishing the house inside and out.  The good news is, being so busy leaves me little time to think about eating, but the problem is it leaves me very little time for anything, so I have to be extra careful and plan meals that are quick but still pointed.  I feel good about this week so lets hope the scales say the same thing.

My Mum is coming over tomorrow for the weekend and I can't wait, just have to ensure we both stay on track as she has done so well and only has 1 pound left to go to reach goal, not that she needs to, she looks fab, but then I have thought she always has done.

3 breakfast biscuits

butternut squash soup
tortilla wrap
grapes and raspberries

omlette with ham and 1oz of cheese
Curly wurly

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Day 127 - Birthday Banoffi

As it was Paul's birthday today I asked him what special meal he would like me to cook for his birthday and am I glad that our tastes are so different.  What did he choose, steak, smoked salmon, risotto??? no, sausages yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes with gravy, followed by banoffi pie.  hurrahh I don't really like any of that, and just to be sure I bought a banoffi cheesecake which is Paul's idea of heaven and my idea of hell!

Had a busy, busy day but stuck to my  meal planner religiously and have completed day two of my committment to drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day.  Always on the loo but hopefully its flushing all the fat out!

2 breakfast biscuits

Prawn dumplings with wasabi and soya sauce
french fry crisps
a pear

Lemon sole fillet wrapped in parma ham
Roasted gnocchi
Posh mushy peas

Monday, 9 May 2011

Day 126 - Did I Do It???

Hurrahhhhh stepped on the scales and had lost not only all the holiday weight but also an additional pound.  God am so ecstatic, I was really worried that I wouldn't have lost it all and I know that would have really knocked me off track as I have struggled a bit this week anyway.  Now I just feel focussed again and am pushing for 2-3 pounds off this week.  I am only 2 pounds off my 3 stone goal so I am determined to do it this week.

2 breakfast biscuits

Rocket and tomato salad with ham and cheese and roasted butternut squash
French Fry crisps

Stir fry chicken with 100g of cooked rice

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day 125 - Loft Finally Empty

Hurrahhhhh after a weekend of running up and down stairs and loft ladders, of shifting endless black bin bags of clothes that will either never fit or are so totally out of fashion they should have been binned years ago, the loft is now empty.  Paul and I and even Lottie are totally exhausted, Lottie even asked if she could go to bed tonight which is unheard of.

I am very excited now about the building work, ask me again in a week and I may not be, but knowing that our house is growing is really quite cool.  What is totally totally cool though, is that I can have a shoe and bag store made for me by our carpenter!!! Sex and the City has nothing on me!!!

Well its weigh day tomorrow so please keep your fingers crossed for me, I've been a good girl, honest.

1 breakfast biscuit

1 slice toast with low fat cheese and sweet chilli

homemade turkey burger with sweet potato
Curly wurly

Day 124 - Exhausted

Apologies for not posting this yesterday but quite simply I was exhausted.  Had been running up and down stairs all day, throwing out boxes and boxes of rubbish and clearing through 39 years of memories and junk.  God why do you keep and accumulate so much rubbish!  Some of it was extremely emotional especially when I found my grandads cardigan and then some old love letters infact hundreds of them, not very appropriate now as they weren't from Paul, so they have been binned well and truly. 

Lets just hope that all this running around makes me lose the weight I gained on holiday, if I can lose that this week I will be a very very happy girl.

Toast and peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with chicken and home grown rocket picked straight from the garden
French fry crisps

Macaroni cheese
2 glasses of wine

Friday, 6 May 2011

Day 123 - 2 Children

Ok don't worry I'm not about to announce something dramatic, I am only referring to the fact that this morning i was responsible for 2 children instead of just my usual 1.  Lottie had a friend over to play whilst her Mummy was busy and boy did they have me running around.  It was great as Lottie and her friend Emilia get on so well and just have a ball playing together but looking after two can be especially demanding.  All congrats to those friends of mine who have two permanently.

The scaffolders arrived today so the house now resembles a building site, but at least is is finally happening.  I am excited about having more space in the house and finally an ensuite bathroom, but not so overjoined about the months of disruption that are inevitably to come.  oh well it will all be worth it in the end.

Had a great eating day all day, but was so hungry when Paul got home I asked him to not let me near the kitchen, I nibbled a few breadsticks and had a glass of wine whilst Paul went out to get dinner (healthy) and then ate and came to bed to stop me raiding the fridge!

1 slice toast with 10g peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with chicken and rocket

Chicken Kebab
3 glasses of wine
about 1000000000 breadsticks!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Day 122 - still so much to do

Ok we are slowly making in roads into the loft, but god still so much to do, I am panicking a bit but thankfully lovely husband is calming me down and telling me we can either take everything to the tip, or not have a new bedroom!!! arrrggghhh

I know if I hadn't worked this week it would have been easier, but I have a really great client and want to keep in with them.  Also this client has two of my WW friends working in their office and we always have a good catch up and mutual motivation session.  Today we were all talking about the binge gene and whether it would ever be possible to just eat one biscuit or piece of chocolate without wishing to eat the lot and then some!!

2 breakfast biscuits

rocket and cucumber salad with tuna and mayo
4 breadsticks

Tesco light linguine with prawns
2 WW ginger biscuits

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Day 121 - How Many Clothes

Oh god the great loft clearance continues, and I have no idea how I managed to accumulate so many clothes, I mean does one woman actually need 25 pairs of trousers and 46 shirts/blouses?????  I have thrown away anything that is remotely too big, so that's it, decision made, I can't possibly put any weight back on because I will have absolutely nothing to wear.  I have thrown away four bin bags worth of clothes, have to start on the shoes and handbags next and I know at last count I had 72 pairs of shoes and 30 handbags, so its going to be painful!

All this activity is great though, I already feel slightly slimmer so hopefully have made some inroads into my easter gain.

2 breakfast biscuits

butternut squash soup
Flour tortilla with low fat cheese and chilli jam

Chicken wrapped in parma ham
roasted gnocchi

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Day 120 - Arrrrrggghhh

Ok was having a fairly easy going day pottering round the house with Lottie, getting on top of cleaning, washing and ironing, until my husband phoned and dropped the bombshell.  The builder is starting work on the loft extension on Friday, which of course means the loft needs to be empty by then!! arrrghhhhhhhh.  On the plus side we have so much we need to get rid of it could be quite good fun.  I started this evening by emptying four huge bags of clothes I had been keeping (to get in to!!) well half of them were too big, the other half so horribly old fashioned which brought home to me just how long I have been battling with this weight.  However there is no way I could part with my black suede and paisley jewelled jacket!  hidious I know but it just sums up the 80's and has so many happy memories.  Of course another plus is that we are going to be so so busy in the coming weeks I won't have time to think about eating!

slice of wholemeal toast

homemade butternut squash soup
tortilla wrap with low fat cheese

Lemon sole fillet
green beans

2 breadsticks
1 rice krispy square

Monday, 2 May 2011

Day 108 - 119 - holidays

I am sorry to everyone for not posting for the last 10 days, but the thought of battling with Mum's dial up connection speed each day, coupled with rushing around and spending quality time with family and friends didn't leave me much time.

I would like to say I stuck religiously to my diet whilst away but I won't lie, I didn't and if I am to go by my home scales I would say I have put on about 4 pounds, which I can assure you will be gone this week, please don't be too disappointed in me, I haven't fallen off the wagon, I just relaxed a bit too much and consumed a little too much wine.

Well the holiday was fab, loved spending time with my family, who actually noticed I had lost weight which was brilliant.  Also met up with some really good friends, and Jennie it was brilliant spending the day with you and lovely Masie, you look fantastic, and have done so so well with WW, lets keep each other on the straight and narrow, and be another 3 stone lighter next time we meet.

So here I am back and true, although today has been a bit weird.

Wholemeal toast with 1 leerdammer light slice

Dinner - or late lunch whichever you prefer to call it
Coleslaw, salad, 2 roast potatoes
Fruit salad