Friday, 6 May 2011

Day 123 - 2 Children

Ok don't worry I'm not about to announce something dramatic, I am only referring to the fact that this morning i was responsible for 2 children instead of just my usual 1.  Lottie had a friend over to play whilst her Mummy was busy and boy did they have me running around.  It was great as Lottie and her friend Emilia get on so well and just have a ball playing together but looking after two can be especially demanding.  All congrats to those friends of mine who have two permanently.

The scaffolders arrived today so the house now resembles a building site, but at least is is finally happening.  I am excited about having more space in the house and finally an ensuite bathroom, but not so overjoined about the months of disruption that are inevitably to come.  oh well it will all be worth it in the end.

Had a great eating day all day, but was so hungry when Paul got home I asked him to not let me near the kitchen, I nibbled a few breadsticks and had a glass of wine whilst Paul went out to get dinner (healthy) and then ate and came to bed to stop me raiding the fridge!

1 slice toast with 10g peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with chicken and rocket

Chicken Kebab
3 glasses of wine
about 1000000000 breadsticks!

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