Monday, 2 May 2011

Day 108 - 119 - holidays

I am sorry to everyone for not posting for the last 10 days, but the thought of battling with Mum's dial up connection speed each day, coupled with rushing around and spending quality time with family and friends didn't leave me much time.

I would like to say I stuck religiously to my diet whilst away but I won't lie, I didn't and if I am to go by my home scales I would say I have put on about 4 pounds, which I can assure you will be gone this week, please don't be too disappointed in me, I haven't fallen off the wagon, I just relaxed a bit too much and consumed a little too much wine.

Well the holiday was fab, loved spending time with my family, who actually noticed I had lost weight which was brilliant.  Also met up with some really good friends, and Jennie it was brilliant spending the day with you and lovely Masie, you look fantastic, and have done so so well with WW, lets keep each other on the straight and narrow, and be another 3 stone lighter next time we meet.

So here I am back and true, although today has been a bit weird.

Wholemeal toast with 1 leerdammer light slice

Dinner - or late lunch whichever you prefer to call it
Coleslaw, salad, 2 roast potatoes
Fruit salad

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