Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Day 120 - Arrrrrggghhh

Ok was having a fairly easy going day pottering round the house with Lottie, getting on top of cleaning, washing and ironing, until my husband phoned and dropped the bombshell.  The builder is starting work on the loft extension on Friday, which of course means the loft needs to be empty by then!! arrrghhhhhhhh.  On the plus side we have so much we need to get rid of it could be quite good fun.  I started this evening by emptying four huge bags of clothes I had been keeping (to get in to!!) well half of them were too big, the other half so horribly old fashioned which brought home to me just how long I have been battling with this weight.  However there is no way I could part with my black suede and paisley jewelled jacket!  hidious I know but it just sums up the 80's and has so many happy memories.  Of course another plus is that we are going to be so so busy in the coming weeks I won't have time to think about eating!

slice of wholemeal toast

homemade butternut squash soup
tortilla wrap with low fat cheese

Lemon sole fillet
green beans

2 breadsticks
1 rice krispy square

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