Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day 141 - Map My Run

OK folks I am sorry I haven't blogged for the last couple of days but things have just been absolutely manic with the builders and everything.  I'm here now and am pleased to report a 1 pound loss last week.  Not totally happy though that things have slowed down so have decided I need to go back to exercising some more.

Had a busy day and didn't move from my desk, so when I got home I was desparate to get moving and as it was such a gorgeous day I decided to go for a power walk and see if I could throw in a bit of a jog.  Well off I marched, and loved every minute of it.  Decided to map the walk when i got home and was surprised how far I had walked in just half an hour. 

2 breakfast biscuits

prawn and rocket wrap with lemon low fat mayonnaise
walkers french fries

small chicken breast wrapped in parma ham
roasted gnocchi
asparagus and green beans

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