Friday, 13 May 2011

Day 130 - Horses horses everywhere

Spent the day with Mum and Tom and Lottie at the Windsor horse show and it was fantastic.  Lottie really loved it especially the shetland pony grandnational which was unbelievably cute.  There were some fantastic stands selling wonderful things, including a private Hermes area which thankfully for Paul I didn't go into!

Walked miles which was brilliant and I felt so good, I just know that 6 months ago I would have been exhausted after a day spent entirely on my feet, but today I just felt good!

small slice of bread with boiled egg

Prawn dumplings with rocket picked from our garden!

haven't had it yet as lottie woke up being sick half an hour ago and is currently sitting up with us watching Humph, so may not get anything.

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