Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day 124 - Exhausted

Apologies for not posting this yesterday but quite simply I was exhausted.  Had been running up and down stairs all day, throwing out boxes and boxes of rubbish and clearing through 39 years of memories and junk.  God why do you keep and accumulate so much rubbish!  Some of it was extremely emotional especially when I found my grandads cardigan and then some old love letters infact hundreds of them, not very appropriate now as they weren't from Paul, so they have been binned well and truly. 

Lets just hope that all this running around makes me lose the weight I gained on holiday, if I can lose that this week I will be a very very happy girl.

Toast and peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with chicken and home grown rocket picked straight from the garden
French fry crisps

Macaroni cheese
2 glasses of wine

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