Monday, 31 January 2011

Day 28 - the fourth weigh day

Really didn't sleep very well last night, not sure if it was my cold or worry about stepping on the scales today.  Sure enough 6.45 saw me half naked in the lounge balancing on my wii board to weigh myself, and bingo another 2 pounds off, hurrahhhh.  That is my first stone gone, only another 5 1/2 to go, not so bad if you say it really really quickly.

Had a good day, very busy in the office but really love this particular client so it was great fun and a couple of the girls there are on WW so we had a good old chat and swapped some tips.

Raced back to pick Lottie up from nursery only to be told she wanted a choc chip cup cake when she got home, have to admit they looked good today and I did think about it, but decided not to bother, I am more a savoury person, so had they been cheese muffins I may have caved in.

So my first goal was to lose 2 stone and in a month I am 50% there, lets hope I can keep the motivation going.

Rice krispy square

Prawn salad with naughty spoon of full fat coleslaw (but I pointed it so it was fine and it was delicious)

Grilled Salmon fillet
roasted butternut squash
Nigellas mushy peas - have to share recipe it is so yummy. 
chop half an onion and a whole clove of garlic and put in pan with hot water, boil for about 20 mins, then add about 4 oz of  peas and a pinch of rock salt, boil for another 6 mins.  Drain and put in a food processor with tablespoon of half fat creme fraiche and then blitz,  Yum Yum Yum
Desert - stewed rhubarb.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Day 27 - Cupcakes and Chocolate

Beginning to feel a bit better today and after a lovely lie in (thank you darling) I spent the day playing with Lottie, and tidying the house.  How can a family of 3 make such a mess in a week, still seems bizarre to be tidying up before the cleaner comes, but don't want anyone seeing the mess that we happily make!

Lottie wanted to make cupcakes this afternoon with Mummy's new mixer and strangely enough my willpower was so strong I didn't even feel a flicker of temptation, even when I let her put choc chips in them and then cover them in milk chocolate.  After dinner she asked if she could choose which one she would like, and gosh just like her Mummy she picked the one with the most chocolate on!  Paul had one and insisted I did, saying I must surely have enough spare points to sit down and enjoy one, he made me feel quite guilty for not having one, so I sat down and took one bite and just didn't enjoy it at all, it tasted very sweet and felt very wrong, so I made him eat mine!  I just think that if I want to use extra points I want to use them for something I really enjoy, like a glass of wine.

Can't believe the weekend is over already, in the office tomorrow and out for lunch with my client, so need to resist temptation again!! arrrrggghhh!!!

Crumpet and honey

Tortilla wrap with prawns and low fat cheese slice
Walkers french fry crisps

Pork medalions with honey and mustard
Carrots, parsnips
Small potato
glass of red wine

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Day 26 - Very bizarre meals!!

woke up feeling dreadful this morning, yes I have well and truly got Charlotte's cold, but was worried about having lemsip as I didn't know how many points would be in it !!! lol, so I resorted to soluble aspirin and sudafed.

Consequently activity levels were low today, and right now I am sitting here watching rugby with Hubby surrounded by snotty tissues, when I should be on a girls night out, oh well think of the temptation I wont have to encounter.

odd day of eating, didn't eat much during the day so needed to make up a few points with dinner, decided to cook some polenta as the last time I had it in Italy it was delicious.  Well all I can say is the Italians obviously cook it with butter or parmesan, in fact anything fattening as it would need something like that to make it edible.  Despite all that I was still picking at it even though I didn't like it and had to give myself a good talking to!

Crumpet with marmite
Tomato Soup
1 slice wholemeal bread
Steamed prawn dumplings
Mouthful of polenta (Yuck)
Good old Gnocchi
1 digestive
1 satsuma

Friday, 28 January 2011

Day 25 - Aaaattttchhhoooooooo

So after another night of just 3 hours sleep guess who is feeling a little knackered to put it politely.  Poor Lottie is full of a cold, and unfortunately so is her Mummmy now!!!

Went on a play date with Lottie this morning and managed to avoid all chocolate biscuits, but alas have not moved as much as perhaps I should have because I have felt pretty rotten.  Have a horrid sore throat, but still haven't resorted to my friends Ben and Jerry, who are, I feel, the only ones that could make it feel better!

Crumpet with honey

bagel with 1 slice low fat cheese and 1 slice of roast beef
bag of Quavers
2 clementines

grilled chicken and salad in kebab
2 small glasses of wine - medicinal only!!!

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Day 24 - Comments, some kind, some not!

Whilst I have a number of clients, some of which I work for remotely, it was to a long standing one that I went today, and into the office I hadn't been in since October.  It was lovely to see some old friends, and I was dying to see one in particular who has just lost 3.5 stones with weightwatchers and was one of my inspirations.  Unfortunately she wasn't in the office today and when I asked her colleague how fab she looks as she must surely do, the very skinny colleague (and I feel this is important) said, "well yes she's lost a bit of weight so I guess she must"  I nearly hit her.  The girl has lost 3.5 stone doesn't she realise how amazing this is or how hard it has been for her, god these people who are naturally thin just don't get it do they!!  OK rant over. 
The nice comment I got was from someone there who asked had a lost weight and said i looked so healthy, wow weee!!!! 

Finished work and headed straight for the gym which was a struggle as I only managed 3 hours sleep last night as Charlotte has a cold and was up for most of it, poor love.  Managed to run for 1.5 minutes then walk for 1 and run for another 1.5 and it wasn't as hard as last week, so lets hope I can just improve it a little each week.

Rice krispy square
1 banana

Prawn Salad with olives - no dressing, no nothing really

Quorn fillets in spicy tomato and olive sauce
ww treat
Very small glass of wine.

People will notice I eat a lot of gnocchi, so its time to share a tip I learnt which makes it fab.
Take a handful of fresh gnocchi and put it straight on a baking tray (no need to boil it first) squirt with frylight 1 cal oil spray and put in hot oven for 15 mins, bingo, mini roast potatoes for only 5 points, yum yum yum!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Day 23 - a Northern Dinner

for any non northeners reading my blog today I apologise as you surely will not understand the attraction surrounding blackpudding! Although I believe it is making appearances on posh southern restaurant menus these days! Well I couldn't believe that they aren't really that high in fat, and they are so scrummy.

Not much to report today as busy work day.  Think its going to be a long night though as Charlotte coming down with a cold and has already woken crying out half a dozen times this evening, oh well who needs sleep anyway!

1 crumpet with 1 teaspoon of honey

1 bagel with two slices of low fat leerdammer and grilled tomatoes
Bag of walkers french fry crisps
2 satsumas

2 slices of black pudding topped by one poached egg
small baked potato
Mushrooms with balsamic vinegar

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Day 22 - Holiday Plans

Thoughts have begun to turn towards holidays and what we are going to do this year and I have to confess to being slightly excited by the prospect that I may not look quite as much like a beached whale as I did last summer.  It has really pushed me on.  I bought a new top from Monsoon the other day in 2 sizes smaller and am determined to be in it by the summer.  its been my dream to be one of those girls you see in fitted t-shirts and straight leg trousers, or denim skirts in the summer, however maybe that is a dream for next year!

1 slice wholemeal Toast
low fat leerdammer cheese slice

bagel with prawns, mushrooms and creme fraiche (loved it so much yesterday thought I would have it again)
2 satsumas

Chicken breast with honey and mustard
Low fat yoghurt

Monday, 24 January 2011

Day 21 - new Weigh Day

Have decided to change my weigh day to a Monday as Lottie is with me on a Tuesday morning and I don't really want her watching Mummy hop on and off the scales, or cry when she hasn't lost anything, so I gritted my teeth and stepped on a day early today in order to kick things off.  And I was overcome by tears but tears of joy this time, as I never lose anything in week 3, but this time round I have lost another 3lb so I am dancing with glee.

had a manic work day, but still managed to fit in an hour at the gym and things are beginning to feel a bit easier so I must be getting fitter.  Have booked to go to Centre Parcs at the end of March and really want to be able to wiz round on my bike without being out of breath.

Wholemeal toast with 2 tsps of honey and 1/2 a banana

bagel with prawns, mushrooms and creme fraiche
WW almond slice

Fresh Sardines (yummy but I had forgotten just how many bones they have!!!!)
Butternut Squash

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Day 20 - Time to Tidy

although it was extremely tempting to just have another lazy day and stay in bed with husband and daughter watching Cbeebies, I just had to crack on with some tidying.  I am sure our cleaner is about to threaten to walk out and definitely don't want that happening!  So up and at em!!  I didn't stop all morning, I ran around putting things away, cleaning cupboards, hanging out washing whilst Charlotte was helping Daddy take things to the tip.  We had a very productive day and I didn't really have time to think about food, until I made Charlotte the spaghetti bolognese she loves, and god did it smell good.

Then tried a new recipe on Paul, he wanted Pork with Roquefort sauce (tempting, yes very) I however improvised and he had it made with a tiny bit of cheese and creme fraiche. I didnt have any, but he told me it was lovely.

Have decided we need to book a holiday, and have been through so many options, Cape Cod, the Maldives, South of France,but just couldn't decide, so we thought we would ask Charlotte where she would like to go.  She said she wanted to go to the Dinosaur Beach (lyme Regis) and then to the place with her own private swimming pool, Broomhill Manor in Cornwall.  Paul and I just smiled, and agreed that that would be lovely, no air travel and saves us heaps of money!  Hurrahhhh

wholemeal toast with marmite
Bagel with hardboiled egg
Walkers french fry crips
Pork medalions with honey and mustard sauce
Gnocchi - roasted
Roasted courgette, carrot and parsnip

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Day 19 - Relaxation Time

Had a lovely day today with my husband just chilling at the spa.  Had a wonderful massage and I am sure what was a lovely facial, I, however, wouldn't know as I slept through most of it! and only woke myself up at the end by snoring!!!!  It was so nice to spend some quality time together though and relax from the stresses of everyday life for a while.

Lunch was interesting I had decided to order the chicken caesar salad without the dressing and try to avoid the bread!  When lunch arrived however it was so small I thought they had just sent a starter.  I don't actually think I have ever seen a salad that small, and to see Paul's face was a treat, we both just laughed.  I had one small piece of bread and Paul proceeded to eat the whole basket, including the basket!!!  We then had fruit platter which was equally small, no risk of wasting any points there then!

When we had finished our day we went back to Mum in laws, to have dinner and collect Charlotte.  Charlotte was so excited because she had helped to decorate the house with balloons and had made me my favourite desert, blackberry and apple crumble, and had made cup cakes complete with pink candles, soooo sweet.

I managed to avoid desert by saying I was full from lunch (ha) and asked if I could take a cup cake home and enjoy it later (Paul will eat it).  Also managed to avoid the mash with the sausages and loose a few onto Pauls plate, so even with having 2 glasses of champagne I am still within my point allowance!! hurrahhhhhh a success.

1 banana
Chicken caesar salad, no dressing (no anything really)
1 slice wholemeal bread - no butter
Fruit Platter
Sausage and mash - well 4 chipolata sausages with lots of vegetables
1 Apple
2 glasses of champagne

Friday, 21 January 2011

Day 18 - Coffee and cake without the cake!

Had a lovely day today, meeting up with friends and their children and meeting baby Arabella for the first time.  Now there is something you should know about Arabella's Mummy, Bea.  We all call her super woman as she manages to juggle so many things and is a wonderful cook, and always bakes fresh muffins or cakes when we go to her house for coffee.  Today however another good friend had called her in advance and put in a request for no cakes, as 3 of the four people going today were doing weightwatchers! Some may think this was sad, I think it was genius, and therefore we were met with a giant bowl of fruit salad which we happily tucked into without guilt!!

My good friend Jaime also a fellow weightwatcher gave me a birthday present of a WW selection box, which looks just like a box of chocs and treats but each individually wrapped treat is just 2 points, which is brilliant.  Definitely having one tonight, even Paul looked over my shoulder and asked what he could have, that shows you how good they look!

Off to the spa tomorrow for my Birthday treat, I absolutely can't wait!!!!

Wholemeal toast with low fat butter

Bagel with hardboiled egg and low fat mayonnaise
bag of french fry crisps
rich tea biscuit

Smoked haddock with herb crust
Roasted courgette and carrot

fruit salad
WW chocolate and orange bar

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Day 17 - Birthday Girl

So who was more excited about my birthday today, me, or the little girl who came running into me at 6.30 singing Happy Birthday to Mummy!!!  Gosh I am so lucky to have Charlotte, she is amazing and melts my heart constantly.  She leapt on the bed and proceeded to open my cards and presents for me (just helping you Mummy!)  then Daddy brought a very large one in and asked Charlotte to help me open it, when the paper came off it revealed a portrait of Lottie that Daddy had commissioned an artist to paint, I was speechless (and for those of you who know me really well, will know how unlikely that is) it was breathtakingly beautiful and captured all her cheekiness.  It is going to hang in our bedroom and that's where it is now, so I have been running up and down the stairs all day just to sneak another look at it.  Great exercise.

Even though its a special day, I decided to try and stick to the diet, although at lunchtime I nearly blew it.  I went for my fitness assessment and was told I was 50% fat, yikes, should be somewhere between 25-30% so have a lot to get rid of.  When I came out of the gym I was feeling a bit low, not sure why, and imagined how nice it would be to go out for a leisurely lunch and enjoy!  I got into the car and went straight home for fear of being tempted to put my head in a bowl of cheesy chips!!

New wine chiller/fridge today, so good excuse to fill it now!  and also my new jeans from Boden, however they don't fit, so bit disappointed, oh well I guess the next goal can be to get into them.

Now waiting for hubby and child to come home from Grandmas.  I need cuddles.

very small bowl of frosties
1 bagel with tuna and mayo
1 bag of Frency fry crips
Grilled salmon fillet
Asparagus spears
handful of gnocchi
Glass of wine!  well I had to

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Day 16 - Mummy sees Red!

What does it feel like to see your gorgeous daughter hit over the head by a nasty little boy with a toy car and then not be able to string the little brat up!! Difficult thats how!  Yes I went to pick Charlotte up from nursery and witnessed the whole thing, how the boy escaped with his life is beyond me.  I told him in a very firm voice that he had been very naughty and it was a horrible thing to do, and then while I tried to calm a very upset little girl, they ushered him into another room, obviously frighted I was about to throttle him.  Unlike her Mummy Charlotte does not really stand up to people, so Daddy is proposing that she goes to Judo when she is older, which I think is a great idea, no one will mess with her then.

Other than that episode it was a good day, I worked hard and then managed to fit in an hour at the gym before collecting Charlotte.  My Birthday tomorrow,but I am determined to to stick to my plan and not eat badly.  

Having a fitness assesment at the gym tomorrow so that they can see how much of my body is made up of fat, not sure I want to know precisely, I could hazard a guess, most of it!!! lol Oh well will let you know how I get on.

1 slice wholemeal toast - no butter
1 poached egg

bagel with tuna and low fat mayonnaise
bag of french fry crisps

Weightwatchers pizza
Butternut squash

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Day 15 - Weigh Hay day

Well today was weigh day and I was a bit scared (to put it mildly) stepping on the scales, although I knew I had been good all week I was still scared as my body is a bit funny and I can have a week of being so strict with myself and then not lose anything.  So whilst Charlotte was lounging in Mummy and Daddy's bed watching Peppa Pig, I sneaked downstairs, I don't really want her to know I am dieting as I don't want her growing up with a thing about food.  Well I stepped on and had lost 4 pounds, which was fab, I thought it was 9, but inadvertently I had not saved my last weigh in, nearly had heart failure, then remembered.

Spent the rest of the day running after Charlotte, she told me to stop what I was doing at one point, and look at her, I asked why and she said "I'm growing" She comes out with the funiest things sometimes.  I couldn't help but smile and hug her, she is just so fab.

Took her to ballet, she loves it, I only wish I could look as elegant as she does, hmmm maybe one day!


small bowl of coco pops and skimmed milk

2 slices wholemeal bread with turkey and a low fat cheese slice
Roasted tomatoes
1 bag of quavers
2 clementines

Skinless chicken breast wrapped in slice of parma ham
handful of roasted gnocchi
Asparagus spears
Balsamic glaze
Low fat yoghurt

1 low fat digestive
1 weight watchers almond slice

Phew feel like I have eaten a lot today, need to get to the gym tomorrow, going to try and juggle it round client meetings and nursery pick up drop off, and ........ arrrgh not going to work will have to go tomorrow evening.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Day 14 - Magimix Mad

Ok after getting so much stick from my so called friends yesterday for purchasing a food mixer and food processor, I decided I had to use them today, well the Magimix at least, and its fab.  Made a lemon and honey dressing for my salmon, using the very handy juicer attachment, and crispy sliced potatoes for Paul, all perfectly symetrical.If only it would wash itself after use and not take up half of the dishwasher it would be great!

Had a busy work day today, trying to locate a hotel in Beirut for a conference, and run through some clients account planning, so really stretched the old grey matter, great for not thinking about food, but on the negative side, I hardly moved from my desk all day.  Oh well I am at home with Charlotte tomorrow so will be running around all day!

Weigh day tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Wholemeal toast and marmite
1 flour tortilla with tuna
1 bag of french fry crisps
2 clementines
grilled salmon fillet with honey and lemon dressing
mange tout
handful of gnocchi
low fat yoghurt

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Day 13 - Domestic Goddess

Ok Nigella eat your heart out there is a new domestic goddess on the block.  As I have always loved cooking I have a room full of recipe books, and nearly all the tools to do the job! But in order to be the complete domestic goddess it was essential that I had a new food mixer, and food processor, ok it wasn't essential but I think I managed to convince Paul it was.  Now all i have to do is use them!!

Went for a walk in the park with Lottie, or should I say run, god is she fast on her bike!


2 crumpets with 2 poached eggs
2 clementines

Taco beef with added sliced and grated veg (of course an opportunity to use the magimix)
Butternut Squash
small handful of Gnocchi
Light yoghurt
1 small glass of wine - yum, yum, yum

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Day 12

A very busy day that started with going to look at a new house, one we thought looked much bigger than ours but when you got inside, really wasnt, and whilst our Edwardian house has so much character and, ok I know nothing is straight or perfect, I simply love it, whilst the one we went to look at was just a box, and a very run down one at that, but here's the best bit they wanted 1/2 million for it, hmmm don't think so.  We have decided to convert the loft in our house into a bedroom and bathroom and stay put.  Much better!  So after the whirlwind of decisions, I had to dash to the shops and then seemed to spend the rest of the day tidying up after princess Charlotte!  Oh well must burn a few calories.

Off to the gym tonight, although my gym buddy went earlier in the day so it is going to take more effort to get out of the house! But I will do it.

Coco pops and skimmed milk (I felt like a child again, selecting which cereal from the multi pack I could have and then opening the individual box, and on the positive side, the box was small so I couldn't overweigh it and it was only 3 Points yipppeeee

2 crumpets with 2 slices of black pudding (love it or hate it)
1 digestive biscuit

Chicken and salad in pitta bread

Friday, 14 January 2011

Day 11

Had a really lazy morning with Charlotte this morning, which probably didn't help exercise wise, but sometimes you just have to do things like that, and ask yourself what would you rather do, be running around like a mad thing , or cuddled up with your daughter.

Made up for it in the afternoon with .... running around like a mad thing.  I think we have decided to put our house on the market and look for something bigger, so its going to be a crazy few months if we find anything we like, oh well might keep the mind off food.
I was really hungry today and was about to say to Paul, go and get something for dinner, or order a takeaway, and say what the heck, when I thought, no, I have come this far, not giving in in the first 2 weeks.  So I looking in fridge and freezer and found low fat sausages, onions, mushrooms, potatoes, yorkshire puddings and decided to do a low fat roast type thing!! Aren't I good.

So today looked like this

Skinny Latte
2 crumpets with 1 oz of low fat cheese and 2 tomatoes
2 Satsumas
2 low fat sausages
1 small baked potato cut into wedges and baked in the oven until crispy!!! yumm
2 yorkshire puddings
roasted mushrooms and onions
1 yoghurt

A day saved from the brink or takeaway!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Day 10

Wow I made it into double figures!! Still actually really enjoying being on this diet, not really feeling hungry and not missing anything yet, but that is what is so good about Weightwatchers, you can have anything you want as long as you allow for the points value and I love that, may even have a glass of wine this weekend!

Went to the gym today and had a mad moment where I just had the urge to run on the treadmil, so.... I did, it was quite laughable as I only managed 1 minute at a time, followed by 3 minutes of walking and gasping for breath! but it was fun and I am definitely going to try and build it up a bit.  My cousin Barb has been an inspiration to me and she can run for 30 minutes now!

Also managed to fit in some work for a new client, am now so busy having to juggle lots of things is a bit stressful, but the invoicing at the end of the month should be fun.

Digestive crackers x 2 with low fat peanut butter
2 crumpets with 2 boiled eggs
Beef and noodle Teriyaki
Marks and spencers count on us latte desert

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Day 9

So my car went to the garage today and I was forced to walk everywhere.  It was a revelation, I had actually forgotten how lovely it was to walk into town and feel part of the community, people I knew were also out and about and to just stop and chat rather than dash past in the car was great.  Of course the other plus point was the exercise I was doing without even realising it. Have promised that when I get car back, I am going to continue to do this.

Paul and I are mulling over lots of things at the moment, from extending our house to possibly moving, and this is proving to be a great distraction as I have so many other things to think about other than dieting! hurrahhh. Unfortunately this meant I forgot breakfast this morning which wasn't brilliant, must do better tomorrow.

2 digestive light cracker biscuits (at 11 am)
fresh pineapple
breaded fish fillet
Butternut squash and roasted mushrooms

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Day 8

Ok drum roll please, today was weigh day and it was with a nervous step that I climbed on the scales, but I was so so pleased to have been rewarded with a 5lb loss!! hurrah.

I also realised today that other than the goal of being fab by 40 I didn't really have any goals so I have decided to set some mini ones, to make the large and overwhelming goal seem more achievable.  So the first one is to lose 2 stone, so only 23 pounds to go!!!

A good day even managed to say no to a glass of bubbly with one of my best friends!

so summary
week 1                       - 5lb
Goal                           23lb to go

Wholemeal toast and marmite

Bagel with 2 slices of low cheddar and tomatoes
1/2 pack of quavers - it was going to be a full pack but my lovely daughter pinched them!

Oven baked scampi
butternut squash, peas

1 low digestive

Monday, 10 January 2011

Day 7

First day of work in 2011 and it felt so good, I really love the company I am working with at the moment, I feel they take my advice seriously and we are beginning to see results already.  I love working for myself and feel very lucky to have nice clients. 
There were however testing moments, sitting in a very nice hotel watching first the lovely coffee and pastries being served and then the smell of lunch!! I however simply had coffee with skimmed milk, a glass of water and then went home for lunch.  Hurrah survived another tempting situation.
Went to look at a new house this afternoon, I knew it would be a complete rebuild project but maybe wasn't quite prepared for just how bad, think the only thing to do would be knock it down and start again, and not sure I can face that at the moment.  I mean just where would i prepare my yummy healthy dinners.  No I think we are going to have to keep looking or simply extend where we are and stay a little longer.
So Tomorrow is weigh day, the first of many! and I have to confess to being slightly nervous, i know I have been good, I know I have exercised, but, oh well lets just wait and see.

So today's delights:

2 weightwatcher breakfast biscuits - eaten whilst dashing out the door
1 bagel with tomatoes and 2 slices of low mature cheddar grilled, really really lovely
prawn linguine
low fat rice pudding

Wish me luck for tomorrow, must remember to take shoes off and go to the loo before stepping on scales!! lol

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Day 6

Well if I haven't lost anything today I shall be annoyed as I just haven't stopped.  Started the day with a trip to the gym and a reprogramme, think my personal trainer is in training to be in the military, god she is hard!  Went swimming with Charlotte and Paul, then home for lunch.  Cleaned out guinea pigs, ran round tidying the house and then went for a walk in the park, before home in time to cook dinner for my lovely family, do bath, story and bed time, and then flop on the sofa!

A good day, but know I am going to be aching a bit tomorrow, oh well I have a business meeting and sales strategy forum to chair so something to take my mind of it!


1 banana

2 flour tortillas with turkey, cucumber and beetroot
2 Satsumas

2 taco shells with home made taco filling - mince, onion, carrot, tomato and taco spice
light yoghurt

Only one day to weigh in so must continue to be good tomorrow.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Day 5

Ok i survived the temper tantrum melt down last night and even managed to avoid the wine that was calling to me from the fridge and the chocolate left from Christmas, infact I managed to stick to the diet and not eat anything bad.  Only problem last night was lovely husband saying he thought I was eating too much as I had a plate full of vegetables (butternut squash and mushrooms) all cooked without any fat, and a lemon sole fillet, I have to admit it put me off a bit because I had always thought I could fill up on as many vegetables as I liked, anyway I ate it all and it was delicious.  I have to just do it my way, the weightwatchers way, and the only way I know how.  It has worked for me before and I am determined to make it work for me again.

Well today started with a mini tantrum but I just walked away from it and miraculously it stopped!!! hurrrah.  The rest of the day has been great, with lots of nice playing.  I am off to the gym tonight and have to say I am really looking forward to it. I have even planned exactly what I am having for dinner upon my return - well I can be organised for at least one day!


Slimfast shake

2 boiled eggs
1/2 a bagel
2 clementines

Pitta bread
griddled chicken

1 Banana

Friday, 7 January 2011

Day 4

Well a day that ended in the most enormous tantrum ever (and no not mine) would normally have me reaching for the wine bottle, but not today, I decided that although it was stressful, so was being fat!

So instead I am going to relax with a nice dinner and a glass of diet tonic water, in a nice wine glass and convince myself it is a gin and tonic.

Sorry its a short post today, but its been a trying day!

Ok so

Slim fast Shake

Small flour tortilla with turkey, cucumber and cranberry sauce
French Fry Crisps - dull and low fat, but actually yummy
2 clementines

Lemon Sole Fillet
handfull of gnocchi
Roasted butternut squash

Here's to my first weekend on this health plan, keep your fingers crossed i survive it!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Day 3

Found the gymn today, and actually remembered how to make my arms and legs work.  Really enjoyed it but was horribly embarassed to learn that it was almost 3 months since I last went, where does the time go?

Finished an hours work out and am booked in to see my personal trainer for a reprogramme and goal setting session on Sunday, hurrahhhhh.

Treated myself to a cup of coffee and a weightwatcher biscuit on return, wooo hooo, could have been chocolate but it wasn't.

Today's Menu
Wholemeal toast with 1/2 oz grated cheese
1 satsuma

1 bagel
Low fat humous

Weightwatchers pizza and salad

God is it only day 3, don't know why but it feels like I have been doing this a long time, or maybe that's just because I have been dieting off and on for the last 20 years!!!!

Husband is out tonight and I usually enjoy wine and some suitably yummy and inevitably fattening dinner, but NOT tonight!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Day 2

Todays dilemma is.... what came first the chicken or the egg, in this case it was definitely the egg.  I had a bit of a childhood craving for boiled egg and soldiers for breakfast so checked on my weightwatchers website to track points on these and realised I could have them and not feel at all guilty.

Lottie had a bad start to nursery this morning which would ordinarily have me reaching for comfort in the biscuit tin, but not today, I decided to simply get busy and take down the Christmas decorations, oh and also managed to avoid eating any of the chocolates which remained hanging on the tree.

Discovered a forgotten tin of chinese chicken and sweetcorn soup (Yum) and was delighted to find out how low fat it was and that I could eat the whole tin, so, well, I did!  Also decided to do poached chicken breast and gnocchi for dinner, so it has definitely turned into a chicken and egg day!

Off now to check out the sales, but not to buy any clothes, honest!  Am so sure that this time I am going to drop a couple of sizes, it would only be a waste and husband would just have to fund even more!
Came back from Sales, with only a skirt for Lottie.  Got my Wii fit out and actually worked hard on it! 

Ok menu for today

1 medium boiled egg
1 slice wholemeal toast

Chicken and sweetcorn soup
1 bag of walkers french fries crisp (taste like cardboard but good for feeling like a snack)

Poached Chicken breast with chilli jam
Green Beans
1 pear

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day 1

Ok today i woke up and just knew that I had to start the diet and fitness regime again, if I was ever going to get to be Fit and Fabulous by 40. I took all the chocolates and biscuits and mince pies that were left from Christmas and put them in the bin, no temptations allowed in the house.  I have tried so many times to rid myself of those extra pounds, well ok, those extra stones, and this is my last try, if I don't do it this time I think I am going to resign myself to wearing kaftans and only coming out at night!

I missed breakfast which was really not a great start but a cup of coffee and I was on my way.  So here was today's menu

Bagel with low fat humous and sliced cucumber
2 weightwatchers ginger and lemon cookies, well actually 1 and three quarters as Lottie decided she wanted some!

1 Haddock Fish Cake
Roasted Butternut squash
Green Beans
Balsamic Glaze
1 Low Fat Yoghurt
1 Satsuma