Saturday, 15 January 2011

Day 12

A very busy day that started with going to look at a new house, one we thought looked much bigger than ours but when you got inside, really wasnt, and whilst our Edwardian house has so much character and, ok I know nothing is straight or perfect, I simply love it, whilst the one we went to look at was just a box, and a very run down one at that, but here's the best bit they wanted 1/2 million for it, hmmm don't think so.  We have decided to convert the loft in our house into a bedroom and bathroom and stay put.  Much better!  So after the whirlwind of decisions, I had to dash to the shops and then seemed to spend the rest of the day tidying up after princess Charlotte!  Oh well must burn a few calories.

Off to the gym tonight, although my gym buddy went earlier in the day so it is going to take more effort to get out of the house! But I will do it.

Coco pops and skimmed milk (I felt like a child again, selecting which cereal from the multi pack I could have and then opening the individual box, and on the positive side, the box was small so I couldn't overweigh it and it was only 3 Points yipppeeee

2 crumpets with 2 slices of black pudding (love it or hate it)
1 digestive biscuit

Chicken and salad in pitta bread

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