Friday, 14 January 2011

Day 11

Had a really lazy morning with Charlotte this morning, which probably didn't help exercise wise, but sometimes you just have to do things like that, and ask yourself what would you rather do, be running around like a mad thing , or cuddled up with your daughter.

Made up for it in the afternoon with .... running around like a mad thing.  I think we have decided to put our house on the market and look for something bigger, so its going to be a crazy few months if we find anything we like, oh well might keep the mind off food.
I was really hungry today and was about to say to Paul, go and get something for dinner, or order a takeaway, and say what the heck, when I thought, no, I have come this far, not giving in in the first 2 weeks.  So I looking in fridge and freezer and found low fat sausages, onions, mushrooms, potatoes, yorkshire puddings and decided to do a low fat roast type thing!! Aren't I good.

So today looked like this

Skinny Latte
2 crumpets with 1 oz of low fat cheese and 2 tomatoes
2 Satsumas
2 low fat sausages
1 small baked potato cut into wedges and baked in the oven until crispy!!! yumm
2 yorkshire puddings
roasted mushrooms and onions
1 yoghurt

A day saved from the brink or takeaway!

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