Sunday, 16 January 2011

Day 13 - Domestic Goddess

Ok Nigella eat your heart out there is a new domestic goddess on the block.  As I have always loved cooking I have a room full of recipe books, and nearly all the tools to do the job! But in order to be the complete domestic goddess it was essential that I had a new food mixer, and food processor, ok it wasn't essential but I think I managed to convince Paul it was.  Now all i have to do is use them!!

Went for a walk in the park with Lottie, or should I say run, god is she fast on her bike!


2 crumpets with 2 poached eggs
2 clementines

Taco beef with added sliced and grated veg (of course an opportunity to use the magimix)
Butternut Squash
small handful of Gnocchi
Light yoghurt
1 small glass of wine - yum, yum, yum

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