Monday, 17 January 2011

Day 14 - Magimix Mad

Ok after getting so much stick from my so called friends yesterday for purchasing a food mixer and food processor, I decided I had to use them today, well the Magimix at least, and its fab.  Made a lemon and honey dressing for my salmon, using the very handy juicer attachment, and crispy sliced potatoes for Paul, all perfectly symetrical.If only it would wash itself after use and not take up half of the dishwasher it would be great!

Had a busy work day today, trying to locate a hotel in Beirut for a conference, and run through some clients account planning, so really stretched the old grey matter, great for not thinking about food, but on the negative side, I hardly moved from my desk all day.  Oh well I am at home with Charlotte tomorrow so will be running around all day!

Weigh day tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Wholemeal toast and marmite
1 flour tortilla with tuna
1 bag of french fry crisps
2 clementines
grilled salmon fillet with honey and lemon dressing
mange tout
handful of gnocchi
low fat yoghurt

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