Friday, 28 January 2011

Day 25 - Aaaattttchhhoooooooo

So after another night of just 3 hours sleep guess who is feeling a little knackered to put it politely.  Poor Lottie is full of a cold, and unfortunately so is her Mummmy now!!!

Went on a play date with Lottie this morning and managed to avoid all chocolate biscuits, but alas have not moved as much as perhaps I should have because I have felt pretty rotten.  Have a horrid sore throat, but still haven't resorted to my friends Ben and Jerry, who are, I feel, the only ones that could make it feel better!

Crumpet with honey

bagel with 1 slice low fat cheese and 1 slice of roast beef
bag of Quavers
2 clementines

grilled chicken and salad in kebab
2 small glasses of wine - medicinal only!!!

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