Monday, 24 January 2011

Day 21 - new Weigh Day

Have decided to change my weigh day to a Monday as Lottie is with me on a Tuesday morning and I don't really want her watching Mummy hop on and off the scales, or cry when she hasn't lost anything, so I gritted my teeth and stepped on a day early today in order to kick things off.  And I was overcome by tears but tears of joy this time, as I never lose anything in week 3, but this time round I have lost another 3lb so I am dancing with glee.

had a manic work day, but still managed to fit in an hour at the gym and things are beginning to feel a bit easier so I must be getting fitter.  Have booked to go to Centre Parcs at the end of March and really want to be able to wiz round on my bike without being out of breath.

Wholemeal toast with 2 tsps of honey and 1/2 a banana

bagel with prawns, mushrooms and creme fraiche
WW almond slice

Fresh Sardines (yummy but I had forgotten just how many bones they have!!!!)
Butternut Squash

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