Sunday, 9 January 2011

Day 6

Well if I haven't lost anything today I shall be annoyed as I just haven't stopped.  Started the day with a trip to the gym and a reprogramme, think my personal trainer is in training to be in the military, god she is hard!  Went swimming with Charlotte and Paul, then home for lunch.  Cleaned out guinea pigs, ran round tidying the house and then went for a walk in the park, before home in time to cook dinner for my lovely family, do bath, story and bed time, and then flop on the sofa!

A good day, but know I am going to be aching a bit tomorrow, oh well I have a business meeting and sales strategy forum to chair so something to take my mind of it!


1 banana

2 flour tortillas with turkey, cucumber and beetroot
2 Satsumas

2 taco shells with home made taco filling - mince, onion, carrot, tomato and taco spice
light yoghurt

Only one day to weigh in so must continue to be good tomorrow.

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