Thursday, 13 January 2011

Day 10

Wow I made it into double figures!! Still actually really enjoying being on this diet, not really feeling hungry and not missing anything yet, but that is what is so good about Weightwatchers, you can have anything you want as long as you allow for the points value and I love that, may even have a glass of wine this weekend!

Went to the gym today and had a mad moment where I just had the urge to run on the treadmil, so.... I did, it was quite laughable as I only managed 1 minute at a time, followed by 3 minutes of walking and gasping for breath! but it was fun and I am definitely going to try and build it up a bit.  My cousin Barb has been an inspiration to me and she can run for 30 minutes now!

Also managed to fit in some work for a new client, am now so busy having to juggle lots of things is a bit stressful, but the invoicing at the end of the month should be fun.

Digestive crackers x 2 with low fat peanut butter
2 crumpets with 2 boiled eggs
Beef and noodle Teriyaki
Marks and spencers count on us latte desert

1 comment:

  1. nice work at the gym! it took me 6 weeks to get to 30 mins lol but that gives your muscles time to build up to it! your dinner sounds yum!
