Thursday, 6 January 2011

Day 3

Found the gymn today, and actually remembered how to make my arms and legs work.  Really enjoyed it but was horribly embarassed to learn that it was almost 3 months since I last went, where does the time go?

Finished an hours work out and am booked in to see my personal trainer for a reprogramme and goal setting session on Sunday, hurrahhhhh.

Treated myself to a cup of coffee and a weightwatcher biscuit on return, wooo hooo, could have been chocolate but it wasn't.

Today's Menu
Wholemeal toast with 1/2 oz grated cheese
1 satsuma

1 bagel
Low fat humous

Weightwatchers pizza and salad

God is it only day 3, don't know why but it feels like I have been doing this a long time, or maybe that's just because I have been dieting off and on for the last 20 years!!!!

Husband is out tonight and I usually enjoy wine and some suitably yummy and inevitably fattening dinner, but NOT tonight!

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