Monday, 31 January 2011

Day 28 - the fourth weigh day

Really didn't sleep very well last night, not sure if it was my cold or worry about stepping on the scales today.  Sure enough 6.45 saw me half naked in the lounge balancing on my wii board to weigh myself, and bingo another 2 pounds off, hurrahhhh.  That is my first stone gone, only another 5 1/2 to go, not so bad if you say it really really quickly.

Had a good day, very busy in the office but really love this particular client so it was great fun and a couple of the girls there are on WW so we had a good old chat and swapped some tips.

Raced back to pick Lottie up from nursery only to be told she wanted a choc chip cup cake when she got home, have to admit they looked good today and I did think about it, but decided not to bother, I am more a savoury person, so had they been cheese muffins I may have caved in.

So my first goal was to lose 2 stone and in a month I am 50% there, lets hope I can keep the motivation going.

Rice krispy square

Prawn salad with naughty spoon of full fat coleslaw (but I pointed it so it was fine and it was delicious)

Grilled Salmon fillet
roasted butternut squash
Nigellas mushy peas - have to share recipe it is so yummy. 
chop half an onion and a whole clove of garlic and put in pan with hot water, boil for about 20 mins, then add about 4 oz of  peas and a pinch of rock salt, boil for another 6 mins.  Drain and put in a food processor with tablespoon of half fat creme fraiche and then blitz,  Yum Yum Yum
Desert - stewed rhubarb.

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