Saturday, 29 January 2011

Day 26 - Very bizarre meals!!

woke up feeling dreadful this morning, yes I have well and truly got Charlotte's cold, but was worried about having lemsip as I didn't know how many points would be in it !!! lol, so I resorted to soluble aspirin and sudafed.

Consequently activity levels were low today, and right now I am sitting here watching rugby with Hubby surrounded by snotty tissues, when I should be on a girls night out, oh well think of the temptation I wont have to encounter.

odd day of eating, didn't eat much during the day so needed to make up a few points with dinner, decided to cook some polenta as the last time I had it in Italy it was delicious.  Well all I can say is the Italians obviously cook it with butter or parmesan, in fact anything fattening as it would need something like that to make it edible.  Despite all that I was still picking at it even though I didn't like it and had to give myself a good talking to!

Crumpet with marmite
Tomato Soup
1 slice wholemeal bread
Steamed prawn dumplings
Mouthful of polenta (Yuck)
Good old Gnocchi
1 digestive
1 satsuma

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