Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Day 9

So my car went to the garage today and I was forced to walk everywhere.  It was a revelation, I had actually forgotten how lovely it was to walk into town and feel part of the community, people I knew were also out and about and to just stop and chat rather than dash past in the car was great.  Of course the other plus point was the exercise I was doing without even realising it. Have promised that when I get car back, I am going to continue to do this.

Paul and I are mulling over lots of things at the moment, from extending our house to possibly moving, and this is proving to be a great distraction as I have so many other things to think about other than dieting! hurrahhh. Unfortunately this meant I forgot breakfast this morning which wasn't brilliant, must do better tomorrow.

2 digestive light cracker biscuits (at 11 am)
fresh pineapple
breaded fish fillet
Butternut squash and roasted mushrooms

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