Monday, 28 February 2011

Day 56 - Weigh in Number 8

Woo hooo another 3 pounds off, taking my total to 25 pounds, so got my 25 Star.  I am so so chuffed as I felt like I had lost last week and would have been gutted if i hadn't.  Just want to stay on this track, I can honestly say I am enjoying every minute, discovering new recipes and adapting them, and looking forward to being slim again!  Going on holiday in 3 weeks, only a long weekend but I am a little concerned about how I am going to cope.  Fortunately it is Centre Parcs so will be doing lots of exercise, and I can cook for us if I can't face going out.  To be honest its not the food that really tempts me at all, its the wine, I do love a nice glass, or three!

Slice of toast with leerdammer light cheese slice

Prawn Dumplings
WW cheese crackers
WW caramel mallow wafers (god they are yummy although only 1 point, wish I hadn't bought them as could easily eat the packet!)

Squid, chickpea and chorizo salad
Fruit salad

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Day 55 - Yummy Sunday Lunch without the Roast!

Had a lovely day today as my inlaws came over, and jokes aside I really love my Mother and Father in law, they are fun, kind and just basically lovely.  I had thought long and hard about what to cook so that it was still a tasty Sunday lunch but not full of fat and points.

I love cooking, always have done always will and its something that Lottie is definitely picking up on, she helped me lots and lots, which is fab, she's great in the kitchen.

Ashamed to say just a coffee, as was dashing round the house doing chores

Tortilla wrap with tuna and leerdammer slice
french fry crisps

Small chicken breast (well actually half of one as shared with Lottie) wrapped in parma ham
Roasted butternut squash
Courgettes, onion, mushrooms and chilli
1 yorkshire pudding
Fruit salad

Did consume half a bottle of cava and half a bottle of chablis with M.I.L but had pointed it all, so feel Great!!

Weigh in tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Day 54 - to buy a new car or to not buy a new car

Yes we are back to that old question and so went out again to have a look and I have finally realised that the only ones i actually like are completely inpractical.  Really like the Audi A4 convertible and looked at several today, but they are just not going to work as I can't actually open the door wide enough on our drive to get Lottie in.  Did consider how long it would take to retract the roof every morning and pop her in that way, but decided against it!!  Going to stick with what i have at the moment and be happy with it.

Lottie fell asleep this afternoon which is really not like her, but unfortunately that meant that she really did not want to go to sleep tonight and infact didn't until 9.30, so dinner was a little late!

Having the inlaws over tomorrow for Sunday lunch and am going to have my willpower tested as my Mother in law loves a glass or bottle of wine and always brings really good ones.  I have been careful with points though to ensure i have most of my 49 left incase I need them.

Wholemeal toast with marmite

Spicy butternut squash soup with calamari
Packet of walkers french fry crisps

Prawn dumplings
Gnocchi and Asparagus
Cadburys finger of fudge
1 glass of wine

Friday, 25 February 2011

Day 53 - Ouch

Ok legs seriously hurting today, had decided to run a bit more at the gym yesterday and knew it would hurt when I had to go to bed at 9.30 last night because they just wouldn't stop aching.  Oh well must be good for me!

Had a lovely day with Lottie, went to the park and had a lovely time pushing her and her friend Arun on the swings, am hoping that this may get rid of the bingo wings!  Even managed to refuse cake, ice cream or chips at the park cafe and settled for a diet coke.

Went swimming this evening and a combination of gentle swimming followed by the jacuzzi has definitely eased the legs.  Hurahhh.

Crumpet with marmite

Spicy butternut squash soup with prawns
Bag of quavers
1/2 rice krispy square (was going to be a whole one but lost half to Lottie)

Chicken kebab
2 glasses of red wine

1 rich tea biscuit
2 very small liquorice sticks

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Day 52 - busy girl

I'm writing my blog early today as I strongly suspect I will not be able to use my arms later!!  I had a very intense hour at the gym this morning followed by 2 hours of ironing this afternoon and I'm shattered.  Its a good feeling as I have been meaning to do a bit more activity and finally found the time to do it today and fit it round a full days work too!

Told a friend today about my reflexology idea and he raved about it said it was very me and thought it was a brilliant thing to do.  Cool thanks Dave, feel better now as when I told my Mum she just said "oh"  So I am guessing she wasn't very impressed!  Never mind I will win her round.

Lottie wants to make cupcakes tomorrow(arrggghhhh temptation) so I am looking for a WW recipe, she will never know the difference (much) and she can always ice hers and leave a plain one for me.

Hubby out tonight so I get control of the remote, fish pie and a glass of wine, gosh how rock and roll is my life!

ashamed to admit but 2 rich tea biscuits and coffee whilst dashing out to gym

Snack sushi, prawns and Velvet Crunch crisps (like rice cakes and very yummy)
Sugar free jelly

WW fish pie, asparagus
Red wine

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Day 51 - Can't stop eating

I seem to be hoovering up food at the moment, I am not eating over my points allowance or anything but I just seem to be eating so much and I am so full, really must stop it.  Made a huge batch or spicy butternut squash soup today which was totally delicious and only 2pps, if anyone wants the recipe just shout.

Made some major decisions about the future today also, I have always known I didn't want to work when Lottie goes to school, but I didn't want to give up on a career or work totally, so have decided I want to do something completely different that will fit with school hours and holidays,so............................. I am going to study reflexology!  It is something i have always been interested in, and although it is a lot of study and practice I just want to do it.   Will be needing lots of volunteers so get your feet out for me please!!!

crumpet with leerdammer cheese slice

Spicy butternut squash soup with prawns
packet quavers
Cadburys fudge

Pork medalions with mushrooms and garlic
Butternut squash
Green beans
Sugar free jelly and yoghurt

Olives and anchovies

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Day 50 - half a century!

I take today as a landmark day, can't believe it has been 50 days since I started my quest to fitness and to find my waist!!  It has gone so quickly lets hope the next 50 days pass as quickly and as successfully.

Had a lovely day with Lottie today just spending time together, she is so fab, just makes me laugh and is always so full of cuddles.  Do they really have to grow up???

Did some cooking today and thought I would try the diet coke chicken that people had been raving about on WW, it sounds horrid but I decided I would give it a go, although Paul turned his nose up at it!  I didn't have any tabasco sauce so put in a whole chopped red chilli, and wow did it have the decided effect.  The whole thing was delicious, only problem is I am so full now I just feel guilty even though everything I have eaten has been within my points.

crumpet with marmite

Rocket salad with butternut squash, green beans, prawns and calamari (not the breaded kind)
Meringue nest, with half pot of muller light yoghurt and strawberries

Diet coke chicken with 50g rice
Courgette, onion, mushrooms (loads)
Curly Wurly

40g of olives and anchovies
1 banana

Monday, 21 February 2011

Day 49 - Weigh in number 7

Hurrahhhh the experiment seemed to go well last week and I lost another 2 pounds, so got my third 7 Star and have now lost 22 pounds.  Goals for this week = need to do some more exercise and drink more water.

Good job I was in a good mood, because I came home from work early and found our cleaner leaving 45 minutes early - hmmmm how long has she been doing that for.  I questioned her and she was a little embarassed,  I said, "Don't worry I will just pay you less next week" she didn't like that very much. 

Crumpet with honey

Calamari (not breaded or fried)
3 pieces of sushi
M&S be food to yourself crisps

Cod wrapped in Parma ham with Wasabi
Posh mushy peas
Yoghurt and grapes

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Day 48 - a good clear out

Decided to try and declutter a bit today, so started to clear out cupboards and move around furniture and try to make some more room in the house!  If only getting rid of excess anything was so easy!!!

Also continued to think about buying a new car, and we sat and went through every make and model possible and came to the conclusion that actually I am happy with the one I have, and will wait until we move house before settling on a new one.

Weigh day tomorrow and have to confess to being really nervous, not sure if my experiment this week of eating more of my 49's will have worked so I could well have stayed the same or put on and to be honest I am not sure how I will cope with that, oh well lets see what tomorrow brings.

Crumpet with marmite

Scrambled egg on toast

Squid chorizo salad
Red Wine (1 very small glass)
WW pudding with rhubarb

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Day 47 - Lettuce Leaves

Didn't realise my eating habits were so strange but according to many people they are!!!  I decided to just have fruit for breakfast and then a light lunch.  However we were out for lunch at lunchtime and I wasn't sure what to have.  We had popped out to Mercedes world, Lottie loves it and Paul is contemplating whether I need a new car (yes please) so we stopped for Lottie to climb in and out of cars and pretend she was driving and Mummy to lust after the convertibles.  Time was ticking on so we decided to stop for lunch and the food there is really really good, I however decided I wanted a classic ceasar salad but with no dressing.  Paul said "are you sure, thats just a bowl of lettuce with some parmesan" after a 10 minute debate I assured him that yes that was what I wanted.  He then went to order and the waitress said "are you sure, that's just a bowl of lettuce with some parmesan", I assured her yes that is what I wanted, and she shrugged and went away.  Ten minutes later the maitre de came over and said, "are you sure there is nothing I can get for your salad, some chicken perhaps as its just a bowl of lettuce with some parmesan" arrrrgggghhh, we eventually settled on some balsamic vinegar, however when it arrived it had croutons, loads of cheese and some parma ham crisped up on top!!!! lol  Guess eating simply is not that easy after all.

Banana and grapes

The classic caesar salad!!!! lol

Prawn dumplings gnocchi, posh mushy peas
Meringue nest with raspberries and yoghurt

Friday, 18 February 2011

Day 46 - an experiment

Have decided this week to try a bit of an experiment with my WW plan and eat some of my weeklies, I know that this may mean I have a Stay the Same or a slight gain, but I have to try as I am in it for the long run and everyone has been saying that if you don't eat enough points early on you have nothing to cut back on further down the line, also now only being on 35 points is becoming quite tight. So fingers crossed it works, will let you know on Monday.

Major display of strength today though, Charlotte wanted a chocolate, and she is not really a chocolate girl (unlike her Mummy) so we keep them in the fridge, and the little one she wanted was too hard for her to bite, so I had to bite it in half and then give it to her, leaving only the taste of chocolate in my mouth!!!arrrrggghhhh, she then decided she wanted to make a pizza for her tea, well I love these because we take a tortilla wrap then put tomato puree on it and decorate it with mushrooms, ham and cheese, and god it smelt good in the oven, but no, not a piece passed my lips, despite having to feed it to Lottie as she was feeling lazy!

Toast and marmite

WW Lasagne

Chicken in pitta bread with salad (eg chicken kebab)
3oz of chips
2 glasses of wine

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Day 45 - Eaten Too Much

Ok I haven't really eaten too much everything was within my points, but somehow it just seems wrong to have had crisps, a fudge and 2 glasses of wine and still say you are on a diet.  I now feel stuffed, but it was good as I was having a few cravings today and I seem to have addressed these now.  Bought a new shirt today, couldn't resist it, it doesn't fit and probably wont until I have lost another 20 pounds, but it is a great incentive.

Went to check out a potential school for Lottie today, can't believe she will be going next year, where has the time gone.

2 digestive hovis

Bagel with humous
Packet of french fry crisps

WW pizza with asparagus and mushroom
Meringue nest with strawberries
2 glasses of wine

1 cadbury's fudge

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Day 44 - Light at the end of the tunnel

Ok I think a certain little princess is on the mend, or rather I hope so, actually managed to sleep from 12-3 and 4-6.30 last night, hurrahhhhhhh!  She's still not eating very much but I guess she will when she is properly better.  We had a lazy morning and then popped to the shops where she convinced me a trip to the toy shop was absolutely essential, great negotiation skills!

Went swimming this evening with one of my very good friends, it was lovely to relax, do a little exercise but mostly just chat and catch up on things.  She's very good at putting things in perspective and knows me very well so its nice just to be able to say whatever and let it all out.  Thanks Dana.

Home to cook dinner for husband and still have time to sit down before another sleepless night!

I know its really bad but 1 cup of coffee

Bagel with prawns
Rice Krispy Square

Pork medalions with honey and mustard
Green Beans
Curly Wurly!  woooo hooooo

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Day 43 - emotional and stressful

A dreadful day today, after being up half the night, well ok most of it, it was really obvious that Charlotte was rather ill.  She just wanted to lie on me, had a very high temperature and just wasn't herself at all.  by lunchtime i decided enough was enough and i would go back to the doctors.  And surprise surprise they found out she had a raging ear infection, poor little love, no wonder she has been so unwell.  She is now on antibiotics and hopefully will pick up soon.  I can't believe i was actually tempted today to just eat chocolate to feel better, I was so upset.  I realise now why my eating got so out of control, it was comfort eating pure and simple.  Was so proud of myself today for resisting, however I was holding an upset 3 year old for most of it, so not much eating could be done.  Hoping against hope for a sleep tonight, well I can dream can't I?

To make me feel a bit better I did decide to do some cooking though, as I always find this de stresses me.  I thought I would try a recipe I learnt to cook at Rick Stein's cookery school, but adapt it to remove some of the fat, and it was delicious.  What do you think. Squid, Chorizo, Chickpea salad! Yum Yum Yum

Crumpet with honey

WW bagel with prawns
2 hovis digestives

Squid, Chorizo and chickpea salad
Yoghurt and raspberries

Monday, 14 February 2011

Day 42- weigh in number 6

Woke up in bed surrounded by teddies and looking at a fairy lampshade, only to remember that no I hadn't taken too many magic mushrooms, I was actually in my daughter's bed and she was in mine!!! hmmm having a sick poppet is trying indeed.  I am so tired I feel like a zombi and remember now just what it was like having a new born.  So i crept downstairs before she woke.  Husband had already stepped on the scales and lost another pound so the pressure was really on.  And......................... another 3lbs off, thats 20lbs now, god I am so so pleased.  I feel great but can't say I notice a huge difference in my shape yet, oh well hopefully that will come. 

I really have to drink more water and do some exercise this week, however today has not gone well as I have been running around after a sick little girly who is every bit as dramatic about things as her Mummy! She does seem a little better though so fingers crossed.  She was supposed to be having her immunisation booster jabs tomorrow but I have delayed them for a couple of weeks as she needs time to build her immune system back, and for us to recover before another round of sleepless nights.

Lovely husband who totally does not believe in flowers or valentines day, brought home flowers and a really special card, I am so lucky to have him and love him totally and utterly.

Wholemeal Toast

tortilla wrap with chicken and low fat leerdammer

Scallops wrapped in parma ham
WW blackberry and apple pudding
1 very small glass of wine.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Day 41 - still shattered

No one with children should really be overweight, you don't have time to eat and the second you sit down they ask for something and you need to jump up, you don't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time and being lazy is something you did pre pregnancy!! oh ok, maybe I am just feeling a little sorry for myself as Lottie is still sick and Paul and I are still exhausted.  Had so many plans for the weekend and none of them have happened, well apart from ridding the house of baby clutter, no there will be no more additions to our family, other than maybe a dog!  We are very very happy being a family of 3.I can't imagine being anything else now, and I know people have their views on only children, but we like it.  Ok off my soap box.  Its weigh day tomorrow and I am dreading it, I haven't cheated at all this week but I have undereaten, not exercised much and not drank enough water so it may just show, oh well lets weight or wait and see!!

Slice wholemeal toast

Tortilla wrap with low fat cheese and ham
Packet of quavers

Roast chicken breast wrapped in one slice of parma ham
Butternut squash
Green Beans
Yoghurt with banana and crushed meringue

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Day 40 - shattered

god i need some sleep its been a very restless week and both Paul and I are exhausted.  Poor Lottie reallly isnt very well and I find it very emotional and testing.  Lets hope the stress burns extra calories! 

2 hovis crackers

WW bagel with scrambled egg

Cod fillet wrapped in parma ham
Baby sweetcorn
Yoghurt in a meringue nest
2 glasses of wine

Friday, 11 February 2011

Day 39 - Sickness

You would think having a very sick little girl would have put me off food today wouldn't you, and to be honest yes it did during the day, well that and the fact I have had to cuddle her for most of it so haven't had any time, but no not tonight, tonight I needed something nice to eat.  In fairness something nice consisted of a healthy chicken kebab and carefully weighed out chips, oh and a glass of wine I actually measured!!  And it all fitted within my daily points, but I feel totally stuffed now.

Will probably be up most of the night, god I am soooooooooooooo tired.

2 hovis digestives

half heated half not quickly eaten onion mushroom lasagne

Chicken kebab in small pitta bread lots of salad
3 oz of chips
125 ml wine

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Day 38 - Resisting Temptation

Had a very busy work day today chairing another sales meeting with another client, and helping them plan
their next quarter strategy, very intense which was great, the fact it took place in a hotel with lots of yummy food on tap, not so great.  Started with coffee and gave my biscuits away, then moved on to lunch where everyone else enjoyed club sandwiches and chips and I had a nicoise salad with no dressing.  God those chips smelt good, but no, I resisted.  How come though the only people who actually ate the chips were the slim ones! go figure!  Have to say that one of the girls who ordered club sandwich and chips, did leave half of the bread and the crisps the sandwich came with, I think that's the key reason she is slim, she stopped when she was full.  I just know I could not have done that, I would have had to have finished all sandwich, crisps and chips, so know that until I have a full change of mind, I cannot risk temptation.

Went home and packed a birthday parcel for my best friend who lives in New York, he has lived out there for years now and I still miss him.  So to give him a taste of home, I sent all sorts of British goodies, from his favourite walkers crisps, to digestives, and dairy milk bars, and believe it or not I wrapped and packed them all without picking at a single one. I was going to go to New York for the weekend, but can't cope with being away from Lottie for three nights, silly I know, but thats the way it goes.  I will try and get out to see him later in the year.


Nicoise Salad

WW pizza

2 richtea biscuits

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Day 37 - Shopping

Ok I know you are supposed to wait until you have lost the weight before shopping for new clothes but whilst I was out getting things for Lottie today I couldn't resist popping into Coast, well they had a sale on!!  I ended up buying a gorgeous top and pair of linen trousers, well they were reduced, a lot! and I should be able to fit into them in about 2 stones time, roll on summer.  This is really driving me on, because I did the same thing last year, but never managed to fit into them, so this year I have a whole new summer wardrobe just waiting for me.

2 hovis crackers

WW onion and mushroom lasagne

cod wrapped in parma ham
posh mushy peas
yoghurt and grapes

Curly wurly

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Day 36 - I feel Fat

Don't you just hate days when you feel fat, well today is one of those.  I don't know why as I should be feeling better and better but I just feel blobby today.  Also have lost my appetite so finding it difficult to actually eat and have been under eating last couple of days which I know is not a good thing and will not have the desired effect on the scales next week.  Oh well "just keep swimming" as Nemo would say!!!

Had a lovely day with Lottie today, she was as good as gold and helped me so much, she loves pottering to the butchers and farm shop and then helping put everything away when we get home, not always in the right place but I don't think that matters.  Ballet again and again she looked gorgeous and worked really hard at concentrating, I think the teacher must be magic as she gets her to listen, something I can't do!  Just have to find time for gym tomorrow.

1/2 digestive biscuit and cup of coffee

WW bagel with scrambled egg

Onion and mushroom lasagne

Monday, 7 February 2011

Day 35 - Weigh in number 5

Had to wait until I had dropped Lottie off at nursery before coming home and weighing myself so couldn't even have a cup of coffee first thing, didn't want to risk the extra weight!!! LOL  It was worth it, stepped on the scales and had lost another 3 pounds!  Taking my loss so far to 17.  Am so pleased, can't quite believe it.

What I also can't believe is that the dishwasher broke last night and our cleaner managed to break the hoover today, arrrrggghhhhhh.  On the plus side, have ordered new dishwasher and only have to manage on paper plates until Wednesday, and husband has now fixed the hoover!

Its been a day of decisions, i had to explain to a client why his business wasn't growing as quickly as he would like and suggest alternatives one of which may mean less work for me, but I have to be honest.  I have also decided that for the next few months I really only want to work two days a week and spend the third day working on smartening up the house.  We probably will put it on the market so want it to achieve its best possible price.

1 slice wholemeal toast

bagel with humous
1 bag of french fry crisps

Pork medalions with apple
Roasted butternut squash
roasted courgettes and onions with chilli

2 rich teas

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Day 34 - Its a jungle out there!

Spent the day in the garden, my god there was so much to do, the place looked like a jungle and a very
messy one at that, so we all tackled it head on.  Charlotte loved it (she's a real outdoors girl) and we spent most of the day clearing and planting.  Between us Charlotte and I planted over 200 bulbs but as I bought them last year, I have no idea what they are, should be a nice surprise when (or if) they come up.

Paul tackled the shed and god, how on earth have we kept so much junk!  It looks much better now, and should be good if we do decide to sell the house.

Am hoping that spending the day gardening, then coming in to find the dishwasher had broken, so having to clean everything by hand and then tackling the ironing, will have been good exercise!

Wholemeal toast and marmite

Pitta bread with boiled egg

Pork medalion with mushrooms and creme fraiche
asparagus and wild rocket
M&S count on us raspberry desert

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Day 33 - quick quick

Well today will just be a quick blog as we have friends coming over this evening and they are due any minute.  Not coming for dinner, not sure I can cope with the whole cooking and drinking wine with other people yet, so Paul and I ate at the same time as Lottie, great for digestion but will probably mean I am starving later and will have to ask Paul to physically restrain me from opening the fridge/freezer, especially as I know my other friends Ben and Jerry are in there.

Went shopping today and bought a new pair of jeans in a size smaller than usual, great feeling but my old ones were so lose and baggy they were like wearing pyjamas so these will take a bit of getting used to, well until they stretch a little!

Rye toast and marmite

1 slice of toast
1 poached egg

seared tuna with lemon juice and soya sauce
posh mushy peas

may have a glass of wine later!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Day 32 - Still Going

A good day, spent the day with a friend who needed cheering up, and hopefully I succeeded.  She loved playing with Lottie and we had a good old chat,  She even ate the WW lasagne I made and said it was delicious, she must be a good friend.

Lottie was as good as gold today so hopefully thinks are on the up!  She is such a good girl, and I do love every minute with her, well ok apart from the tantrums!  Paul is out this evening so I thought I would relax with a glass or wine or several and a treat.  However one glass of wine and a low fat fish pie followed by pineapple and I am stuffed, so no need to go off track.

1 slice rye toast with marmite

WW lasagne and rocket

Count on us fish pie
1 small glass of wine

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Day 31 - Diet What Diet?

Although I have only eaten my allotted points today I feel like a pig, feel like i have eaten so much and am just wondering if it is really possible to eat like this and still lose weight.  It is approaching that awful time of the month and my appetite means I could eat everything in the house! 

Went to the gym this afternoon and can now run for 2 minutes (or jog at 8km p/h) then brisk walk for 90 seconds then run for 2 minutes, continued with brisk walk for another 6 minutes, then cycle, cross trainer, weights and then another 10 minutes brisk walk steep incline, an hour work out in total and I lived!!!  Got home and ate a curly wurly! I had been told by WW that they were only 3 points and I could have one anytime, so I prepared myself made a cup of coffee and sat down with a suitably trashy magazine, and have to say I didn't really enjoy it that much, can I possibly be going off chocolate, no, surely not!

Ok for the piggy menu!

small bowl of porridge

WW onion and mushroom lasagne (well it was so delicious yesterday)

WW pizza with asparagus

Snack - Curly Wurly

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Day 30 - short and sweet!

Only a short post today as its been manic.  Fought mini battles with Vodafone who are still trying to convince me that the Isle of Man is in Guayana!  Runnymede council for not collecting our countless and poinless individual recycling bins, oh and the nursery for allowing someone to hit Charlotte on the head with a toy car!!! Rooooarrrrrr.  Also managed to fit in a full days work, do two loads of washing, stack, empty then restack dishwasher and cook two separate meals for dinner.  I made WW caramelised onion and mushroom lasagne which I knew Paul would not eat as it had no meat in it! So I made him chicken balti.  The lasagne was absolutely delicious can highly recommend if anyone wants the recipe, it made enough for four, and yes, I actually only ate a 1/4 of it, although I am sure I could happily have eaten 1/2.  Have to find time to go to gym tomorrow, maybe I should think about giving up work totally.

Crumpet with honey

Tortilla pizza with prawns and tomatoes
Walkers french fry crisps

WW lasagne
1 rich tea, 1 digestive, not sure why I got the biscuit cravings today.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Day 29 - Very emotional and very trying

Well the day started well with a cuddle from my gorgeous daughter, it really doesn't get any better than that, especially when she sneaks into Daddy's space in bed when he gets in the shower, and then snuggles in, its blizz.  Off we went to Fun Games and thats when the tantrum started, had to come straight home, and physically carry her into the house screaming at me, put her straight into her bedroom to think about her behaviour, whilst I headed to the chocolate cupboard, oh ok, I didn't but I could very easily have done.  She eventually calmed down, we had a talk and a cuddle and everything ok, but it left me feeling horrible.  I really feel like I am not doing a very good job of being a Mummy at the moment, as everything I seem to do is wrong.  All I want is for Charlotte to be happy.  I know its just a phase and it will pass, but all I seem to do at the moment is worry, oh well lets hope I can worry the weight off!!

Went to Ballet this afternoon and Charlotte is getting really good at it I only wish I was half as graceful or co-ordinated.  The teacher has asked her to progress to the next class as she thinks she is ready and I am so so proud!  Happy Mummy again!

crumpet with marmite
2 mini bagels (not great very small and tasteless wont be having them again)
grilled chicken
2 satsumas
half pack of scampi
handful of gnocchi
Roasted courgette with chopped chilli - very hot but yum
Yoghurt and rhubarb