Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Day 51 - Can't stop eating

I seem to be hoovering up food at the moment, I am not eating over my points allowance or anything but I just seem to be eating so much and I am so full, really must stop it.  Made a huge batch or spicy butternut squash soup today which was totally delicious and only 2pps, if anyone wants the recipe just shout.

Made some major decisions about the future today also, I have always known I didn't want to work when Lottie goes to school, but I didn't want to give up on a career or work totally, so have decided I want to do something completely different that will fit with school hours and holidays,so............................. I am going to study reflexology!  It is something i have always been interested in, and although it is a lot of study and practice I just want to do it.   Will be needing lots of volunteers so get your feet out for me please!!!

crumpet with leerdammer cheese slice

Spicy butternut squash soup with prawns
packet quavers
Cadburys fudge

Pork medalions with mushrooms and garlic
Butternut squash
Green beans
Sugar free jelly and yoghurt

Olives and anchovies

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! If your keeping in your points that's fine, I bet if you think about it you have to eat a lot less now to get to the full point! The weight is moving so you dont worry about it, better to over eat well than under eat! X x bee x x
