Friday, 4 February 2011

Day 32 - Still Going

A good day, spent the day with a friend who needed cheering up, and hopefully I succeeded.  She loved playing with Lottie and we had a good old chat,  She even ate the WW lasagne I made and said it was delicious, she must be a good friend.

Lottie was as good as gold today so hopefully thinks are on the up!  She is such a good girl, and I do love every minute with her, well ok apart from the tantrums!  Paul is out this evening so I thought I would relax with a glass or wine or several and a treat.  However one glass of wine and a low fat fish pie followed by pineapple and I am stuffed, so no need to go off track.

1 slice rye toast with marmite

WW lasagne and rocket

Count on us fish pie
1 small glass of wine

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