Friday, 18 February 2011

Day 46 - an experiment

Have decided this week to try a bit of an experiment with my WW plan and eat some of my weeklies, I know that this may mean I have a Stay the Same or a slight gain, but I have to try as I am in it for the long run and everyone has been saying that if you don't eat enough points early on you have nothing to cut back on further down the line, also now only being on 35 points is becoming quite tight. So fingers crossed it works, will let you know on Monday.

Major display of strength today though, Charlotte wanted a chocolate, and she is not really a chocolate girl (unlike her Mummy) so we keep them in the fridge, and the little one she wanted was too hard for her to bite, so I had to bite it in half and then give it to her, leaving only the taste of chocolate in my mouth!!!arrrrggghhhh, she then decided she wanted to make a pizza for her tea, well I love these because we take a tortilla wrap then put tomato puree on it and decorate it with mushrooms, ham and cheese, and god it smelt good in the oven, but no, not a piece passed my lips, despite having to feed it to Lottie as she was feeling lazy!

Toast and marmite

WW Lasagne

Chicken in pitta bread with salad (eg chicken kebab)
3oz of chips
2 glasses of wine

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