Monday, 7 February 2011

Day 35 - Weigh in number 5

Had to wait until I had dropped Lottie off at nursery before coming home and weighing myself so couldn't even have a cup of coffee first thing, didn't want to risk the extra weight!!! LOL  It was worth it, stepped on the scales and had lost another 3 pounds!  Taking my loss so far to 17.  Am so pleased, can't quite believe it.

What I also can't believe is that the dishwasher broke last night and our cleaner managed to break the hoover today, arrrrggghhhhhh.  On the plus side, have ordered new dishwasher and only have to manage on paper plates until Wednesday, and husband has now fixed the hoover!

Its been a day of decisions, i had to explain to a client why his business wasn't growing as quickly as he would like and suggest alternatives one of which may mean less work for me, but I have to be honest.  I have also decided that for the next few months I really only want to work two days a week and spend the third day working on smartening up the house.  We probably will put it on the market so want it to achieve its best possible price.

1 slice wholemeal toast

bagel with humous
1 bag of french fry crisps

Pork medalions with apple
Roasted butternut squash
roasted courgettes and onions with chilli

2 rich teas

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