Sunday, 20 February 2011

Day 48 - a good clear out

Decided to try and declutter a bit today, so started to clear out cupboards and move around furniture and try to make some more room in the house!  If only getting rid of excess anything was so easy!!!

Also continued to think about buying a new car, and we sat and went through every make and model possible and came to the conclusion that actually I am happy with the one I have, and will wait until we move house before settling on a new one.

Weigh day tomorrow and have to confess to being really nervous, not sure if my experiment this week of eating more of my 49's will have worked so I could well have stayed the same or put on and to be honest I am not sure how I will cope with that, oh well lets see what tomorrow brings.

Crumpet with marmite

Scrambled egg on toast

Squid chorizo salad
Red Wine (1 very small glass)
WW pudding with rhubarb

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