Sunday, 27 February 2011

Day 55 - Yummy Sunday Lunch without the Roast!

Had a lovely day today as my inlaws came over, and jokes aside I really love my Mother and Father in law, they are fun, kind and just basically lovely.  I had thought long and hard about what to cook so that it was still a tasty Sunday lunch but not full of fat and points.

I love cooking, always have done always will and its something that Lottie is definitely picking up on, she helped me lots and lots, which is fab, she's great in the kitchen.

Ashamed to say just a coffee, as was dashing round the house doing chores

Tortilla wrap with tuna and leerdammer slice
french fry crisps

Small chicken breast (well actually half of one as shared with Lottie) wrapped in parma ham
Roasted butternut squash
Courgettes, onion, mushrooms and chilli
1 yorkshire pudding
Fruit salad

Did consume half a bottle of cava and half a bottle of chablis with M.I.L but had pointed it all, so feel Great!!

Weigh in tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me.

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