Friday, 25 February 2011

Day 53 - Ouch

Ok legs seriously hurting today, had decided to run a bit more at the gym yesterday and knew it would hurt when I had to go to bed at 9.30 last night because they just wouldn't stop aching.  Oh well must be good for me!

Had a lovely day with Lottie, went to the park and had a lovely time pushing her and her friend Arun on the swings, am hoping that this may get rid of the bingo wings!  Even managed to refuse cake, ice cream or chips at the park cafe and settled for a diet coke.

Went swimming this evening and a combination of gentle swimming followed by the jacuzzi has definitely eased the legs.  Hurahhh.

Crumpet with marmite

Spicy butternut squash soup with prawns
Bag of quavers
1/2 rice krispy square (was going to be a whole one but lost half to Lottie)

Chicken kebab
2 glasses of red wine

1 rich tea biscuit
2 very small liquorice sticks

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