Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Day 36 - I feel Fat

Don't you just hate days when you feel fat, well today is one of those.  I don't know why as I should be feeling better and better but I just feel blobby today.  Also have lost my appetite so finding it difficult to actually eat and have been under eating last couple of days which I know is not a good thing and will not have the desired effect on the scales next week.  Oh well "just keep swimming" as Nemo would say!!!

Had a lovely day with Lottie today, she was as good as gold and helped me so much, she loves pottering to the butchers and farm shop and then helping put everything away when we get home, not always in the right place but I don't think that matters.  Ballet again and again she looked gorgeous and worked really hard at concentrating, I think the teacher must be magic as she gets her to listen, something I can't do!  Just have to find time for gym tomorrow.

1/2 digestive biscuit and cup of coffee

WW bagel with scrambled egg

Onion and mushroom lasagne

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