Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Day 29 - Very emotional and very trying

Well the day started well with a cuddle from my gorgeous daughter, it really doesn't get any better than that, especially when she sneaks into Daddy's space in bed when he gets in the shower, and then snuggles in, its blizz.  Off we went to Fun Games and thats when the tantrum started, had to come straight home, and physically carry her into the house screaming at me, put her straight into her bedroom to think about her behaviour, whilst I headed to the chocolate cupboard, oh ok, I didn't but I could very easily have done.  She eventually calmed down, we had a talk and a cuddle and everything ok, but it left me feeling horrible.  I really feel like I am not doing a very good job of being a Mummy at the moment, as everything I seem to do is wrong.  All I want is for Charlotte to be happy.  I know its just a phase and it will pass, but all I seem to do at the moment is worry, oh well lets hope I can worry the weight off!!

Went to Ballet this afternoon and Charlotte is getting really good at it I only wish I was half as graceful or co-ordinated.  The teacher has asked her to progress to the next class as she thinks she is ready and I am so so proud!  Happy Mummy again!

crumpet with marmite
2 mini bagels (not great very small and tasteless wont be having them again)
grilled chicken
2 satsumas
half pack of scampi
handful of gnocchi
Roasted courgette with chopped chilli - very hot but yum
Yoghurt and rhubarb

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