Thursday, 3 February 2011

Day 31 - Diet What Diet?

Although I have only eaten my allotted points today I feel like a pig, feel like i have eaten so much and am just wondering if it is really possible to eat like this and still lose weight.  It is approaching that awful time of the month and my appetite means I could eat everything in the house! 

Went to the gym this afternoon and can now run for 2 minutes (or jog at 8km p/h) then brisk walk for 90 seconds then run for 2 minutes, continued with brisk walk for another 6 minutes, then cycle, cross trainer, weights and then another 10 minutes brisk walk steep incline, an hour work out in total and I lived!!!  Got home and ate a curly wurly! I had been told by WW that they were only 3 points and I could have one anytime, so I prepared myself made a cup of coffee and sat down with a suitably trashy magazine, and have to say I didn't really enjoy it that much, can I possibly be going off chocolate, no, surely not!

Ok for the piggy menu!

small bowl of porridge

WW onion and mushroom lasagne (well it was so delicious yesterday)

WW pizza with asparagus

Snack - Curly Wurly

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