Sunday, 6 February 2011

Day 34 - Its a jungle out there!

Spent the day in the garden, my god there was so much to do, the place looked like a jungle and a very
messy one at that, so we all tackled it head on.  Charlotte loved it (she's a real outdoors girl) and we spent most of the day clearing and planting.  Between us Charlotte and I planted over 200 bulbs but as I bought them last year, I have no idea what they are, should be a nice surprise when (or if) they come up.

Paul tackled the shed and god, how on earth have we kept so much junk!  It looks much better now, and should be good if we do decide to sell the house.

Am hoping that spending the day gardening, then coming in to find the dishwasher had broken, so having to clean everything by hand and then tackling the ironing, will have been good exercise!

Wholemeal toast and marmite

Pitta bread with boiled egg

Pork medalion with mushrooms and creme fraiche
asparagus and wild rocket
M&S count on us raspberry desert

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