Monday, 21 February 2011

Day 49 - Weigh in number 7

Hurrahhhh the experiment seemed to go well last week and I lost another 2 pounds, so got my third 7 Star and have now lost 22 pounds.  Goals for this week = need to do some more exercise and drink more water.

Good job I was in a good mood, because I came home from work early and found our cleaner leaving 45 minutes early - hmmmm how long has she been doing that for.  I questioned her and she was a little embarassed,  I said, "Don't worry I will just pay you less next week" she didn't like that very much. 

Crumpet with honey

Calamari (not breaded or fried)
3 pieces of sushi
M&S be food to yourself crisps

Cod wrapped in Parma ham with Wasabi
Posh mushy peas
Yoghurt and grapes

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