Went to work at a client's offices today that I hadn't been in to for 4 weeks and met up with my friend Janet who was one of the inspirations behind me starting WW in January. She has now lost 4 stone and looks absolutely amazing. Well the two of us stood in the kitchen exclaiming about how fab we both looked. I have found collar bones and she has found a waist! people must have thought we had gone mad. I was on cloud nine all day, because of her success and because she made me feel so good.
I love working with this client because it is alway so busy that I never have a minute to feel hungry, and it is the only office I know where absolutely everyone is healthy, no desk is without a bottle of water, and everyone compares soups or salads at lunch time. Sounds horribly dull, but I won the prize for most interesting salad!
Rice crispy square
Rocket, chick pea, chilli, mushroom, butternut squash, green beans, asparagus and leerdammer light salad
Sea bass fillet
posh mushy peas
glass of wine
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Day 86 - ooops forgot
Can't believe i forgot to post yesterday, its usually automatic in the evening, fortunately I didn't forget to point though! Even had quite a good day. Was very busy rushing around and so didn't have a lot of time to worry about what I was eating which is good.
Was feeling really proud of my achievements until Lottie walked up the stairs behind me to bed, put her hands on my bottom and said "oh Mummy look at your big bottom" thanks honey!
Rice krispy square
prawn dumplings with wasabi soya sauce
French fry crisps
Squid and chorizo salad
1 pear
Was feeling really proud of my achievements until Lottie walked up the stairs behind me to bed, put her hands on my bottom and said "oh Mummy look at your big bottom" thanks honey!
Rice krispy square
prawn dumplings with wasabi soya sauce
French fry crisps
Squid and chorizo salad
1 pear
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Day 85 - Back in the saddle again!!
Had a great day and was actually really pleased to be back eating healthily, certainly felt a lot better. Was busy running around trying to tidy up from holiday, sort out getting new car tomorrow, do some shopping, shuttle Lottie to ballet, and then be her personal chef! For her tea she demanded fried egg on wholemeal toast, but when I made her the first one and she popped the yolk she burst into tears and demanded I put it back together. When I said I couldn't she broke her little heart and so I had to make her another with the yolk intact! The things you do for love!
1 weetabix and skimmed milk
Prawn dumplings
Toffee yoghurt
Homemade turkey and sage burger
Butternut squash
1 pear
1 weetabix and skimmed milk
Prawn dumplings
Toffee yoghurt
Homemade turkey and sage burger
Butternut squash
1 pear
Monday, 28 March 2011
Day 84 - No Way.................
As I have only just got back from holiday and even though I took my wii with me so that I could weigh in we couldn't connect it to the TV so I couldn't weigh in this morning, and definitely don't want to do it now as I know you weigh heavier in the evening and don't want a nasty shock. I sneak peeked on Thursday before i went and had lost 2 pounds so that is what I would like to think has come off this week. however I will have to wait until next Monday to find out. Today was not brilliant for eating as I decided that after 3 solid months I would actually have another half day off, but am being honest about what I have eaten, and know I will be back on the straight and narrow tomorrow. Also walked lots, played golf and was really active today so hopefully it will be ok anyway. Even though I decided to relax I couldn't believe my self control as Lottie wanted some sweeties and as she hadn't had any on holiday I thought she could have a treat and go into the giant sweet shop at center parcs and have what she wanted to choose and I would do the same. Well she came out with a small bag of pick and mix and I came out with ....................................... nothing, thats right NOTHING, i looked at lots of things and just didn't fancy anything at all, not even marzipan or fudge, my all time faves, I guess I really have changed.
So my relax day looked like this
1 crumpet with light butter
mushroom pizza - thin base
4 olives
1/2 portion of Paul's chips in a bread roll - very yum and just what I needed to continue on my health eat for another 3 months without a break.
So my relax day looked like this
1 crumpet with light butter
mushroom pizza - thin base
4 olives
1/2 portion of Paul's chips in a bread roll - very yum and just what I needed to continue on my health eat for another 3 months without a break.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Day 83 - And Relax
another very energetic day on holiday but today I had decided that I would have a normal dinner and not worry too much about what I was eating and see how I would cope. Had a great morning playing tennis, then a picnic with Rupert Bear (I didn't eat) then swimming in the afternoon and then dinner in the American diner!!! arrrrggghhhh, so going to be totally honest about what I have eaten, but also incredibly proud as it still fits within my daily and weekly points.
1 weetabix and skimmed milk
Tomato soup
3 onion rings
crab nachos
Chicken fajitas - although only ate 2 of 6 because I was way too full
3 glasses of wine
First time in 3 months I have eaten anyything remotely fattening, and it was weird because although it was quite nice it wasn't as amazing as I thought it was going to be and so wont be doing it again for another 3 months!!!
1 weetabix and skimmed milk
Tomato soup
3 onion rings
crab nachos
Chicken fajitas - although only ate 2 of 6 because I was way too full
3 glasses of wine
First time in 3 months I have eaten anyything remotely fattening, and it was weird because although it was quite nice it wasn't as amazing as I thought it was going to be and so wont be doing it again for another 3 months!!!
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Day 82 - Dedication!
Ok so may be on holiday but amazingly still staying dedicated to the cause. However I am sure I could get away with eating a few more points as today I have:
Cycled 3 miles
Walked 2 miles
Danced for an hour at ballet
Swam for 2 hours
Am totally exhausted! Having a brilliant time though, so lovely to see family and watch all the children playing so happily together. Even managed to go the pancake house today and rather than (as I did last time) have a wonderful savoury cheese pancake and then a chocolate filled one, I had an omlette with vegetables and no cheese, I pretended it was lovely when actually it was really dull, but hey ho no one got slim having fun!!!
strawberries and pear
Omlette with vegetables
Fish pie
2 glasses of wine.
Cycled 3 miles
Walked 2 miles
Danced for an hour at ballet
Swam for 2 hours
Am totally exhausted! Having a brilliant time though, so lovely to see family and watch all the children playing so happily together. Even managed to go the pancake house today and rather than (as I did last time) have a wonderful savoury cheese pancake and then a chocolate filled one, I had an omlette with vegetables and no cheese, I pretended it was lovely when actually it was really dull, but hey ho no one got slim having fun!!!
strawberries and pear
Omlette with vegetables
Fish pie
2 glasses of wine.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Day 81 - Center Parcs
Hurrah the day has finally arrive, we booked center parcs last September so that we could meet up with my cousin Janet and her family, ashamed to admit we haven't seen them since our wedding day, so to say I was excited was putting it mildly. Well the drive was horrendous, what should have been 2.5 hours took 4, with a little one demading to know "are we there yet" 5 minutes after leaving home, and then saying she needed the toilet half way up the A46 with only a lay by to stop in, followed by Mummy demanding the same thing 10 miles later! Poor Paul, oh well we are here now and it is fantastic, all the kids are getting on really well as are the parents, seems like we all met up yesterday, but I guess thats family for you.
Was very good with my eating all day, until I consumed a whole bottle of wine over dinner, however it is all in my points and I have done lots of walking so fingers crossed.
1 weetabix with skimmed milk
Flour tortilla with leerdammer cheese and sweet chili
french fry crips
1 pear
Half a filleted sea bass, no sauce with plain green salad, no dressing (sounds dull but it was yummy)
1 bottle of wine
Was very good with my eating all day, until I consumed a whole bottle of wine over dinner, however it is all in my points and I have done lots of walking so fingers crossed.
1 weetabix with skimmed milk
Flour tortilla with leerdammer cheese and sweet chili
french fry crips
1 pear
Half a filleted sea bass, no sauce with plain green salad, no dressing (sounds dull but it was yummy)
1 bottle of wine
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Day 80 - Hurrahhhhhh for holidays
Am writing my blog early today as I know as soon as Paul gets home things will be manic. We are going to Center Parcs tomorrow and as is my want, I like to pack the night before rather than in the morning, and, according to Paul, take the kitchen sink!
I went shopping to Windsor today to get some bits and pieces and treat myself to some new tops as I have now gone down 2 sizes and wanted to finally wear something that may show a bit of shape (thanks for the advice Jennie) I had a great time but will definitely have to hide the credit card statement from Paul when it comes in. All those wonderful shops that I could not go into before as they didn't have anything to fit, have now come on the radar, Joules, Hobs, Gant and Fat Face are smiling today.
Because I had some new things to put away I decided to go through some of my wardrobe slim buys, eg, I will buy that and slim into it! And I was absolutely amazed as not only did some of them now fit, but alas some of them were too big. Well the ones with tags on are defiinitely going on ebay and the others are going in the bin, I am never going back to being that FAT!!!!
Crumpet with leerdammer slice
Tortilla wrap with quorn sausage
French Fry crisps
Prawn dumplings
Posh mushy peas
fun size flake
I went shopping to Windsor today to get some bits and pieces and treat myself to some new tops as I have now gone down 2 sizes and wanted to finally wear something that may show a bit of shape (thanks for the advice Jennie) I had a great time but will definitely have to hide the credit card statement from Paul when it comes in. All those wonderful shops that I could not go into before as they didn't have anything to fit, have now come on the radar, Joules, Hobs, Gant and Fat Face are smiling today.
Because I had some new things to put away I decided to go through some of my wardrobe slim buys, eg, I will buy that and slim into it! And I was absolutely amazed as not only did some of them now fit, but alas some of them were too big. Well the ones with tags on are defiinitely going on ebay and the others are going in the bin, I am never going back to being that FAT!!!!
Crumpet with leerdammer slice
Tortilla wrap with quorn sausage
French Fry crisps
Prawn dumplings
Posh mushy peas
fun size flake
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Day 79 and the sun is shining
What a gorgeous day today and fantastic that I was working from home so that in between phone calls and excel spreadsheets I was able to potter round the garden, watch the guinea pigs playing, water plants and generally enjoy life, oooooh that was a bit hippyish for me!
Just so you're sure its still me, I also shopped on line and went and had a bikini and eye brow wax in my lunch hour!
rice crispy square
Tortilla wrap with leerdammer light cheese slice
French Fry crisps
quorn sausage and roasted potato (done the ww way of course)
1 pear
1 funsize crunchie
Just so you're sure its still me, I also shopped on line and went and had a bikini and eye brow wax in my lunch hour!
rice crispy square
Tortilla wrap with leerdammer light cheese slice
French Fry crisps
quorn sausage and roasted potato (done the ww way of course)
1 pear
1 funsize crunchie
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Day 78 - Onwards and upwards
ok I have picked myself up from my disappointment yesterday and have moved on. In addition to not drinking any alcohol this week and trying to drink more water I am also looking at using my points in a more healthy way.
Went to Joules this morning to get Lottie a couple of new tops, but thought I would look for me too and I found a gorgeous gilet that I thought would never fit as it was a size smaller than my usual. Imagine my delight when it fitted perfectly, infact I am still smiling.
1 weetabix with skimmed milk
crab and rocket wrap
French fry crisps
1 banana
homemade turkey and sage burger
Roasted gnocchi
green beans
1 pear
Went to Joules this morning to get Lottie a couple of new tops, but thought I would look for me too and I found a gorgeous gilet that I thought would never fit as it was a size smaller than my usual. Imagine my delight when it fitted perfectly, infact I am still smiling.
1 weetabix with skimmed milk
crab and rocket wrap
French fry crisps
1 banana
homemade turkey and sage burger
Roasted gnocchi
green beans
1 pear
Monday, 21 March 2011
Day 77 - Weigh in 11 -Boooooooooooooo STS
Ok going to write this quickly today as its not good news. I stepped on the scales this morning feeling good and stepped off feeling rubbish. I had stayed the same, although the Wi said my BMI had reduced, so I may have lost a half pound, however the Wi scales only work in full pounds. I am gutted, I pointed everything and stuck easily within my points, and only used 10 of my weeklies. However rather a lot of points were made up from wine and not food, so I am guessing that that may have been the problem. Oh well it was the kick I was expecting and it has happened now and I can cope with it, just not going to drink this week (much) and will try to drink lots more water and see what happens.
Crumpet with leerdammer slice
Tortilla wrap with crab
French fry crisps
Cod fillet with chilli and chorizo
Strawberries and pear
Crumpet with leerdammer slice
Tortilla wrap with crab
French fry crisps
Cod fillet with chilli and chorizo
Strawberries and pear
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Day 76 - The Good life
Decided to spend the day gardening, but first took Lottie to Sunday school. Our Sunday school is held in church and is really sweet they get the children really involved in the service and they all come up to be blessed during communion, which Lottie thinks is very funny. She kept asking when the man in the dress was going to pat her on the head! Then when he was pouring the wine, she asked what he was doing, and when I said he was just having a drink of wine, she said (and very loudly) just like you Mummy, thats your favourite !!! lol, thankfully no one near us heard.
Spent the rest of the day in the garden planting all our vegetables and salad greens, we are going to be so healthy if it all comes up.
Crumpet with marmite
slice wholemeal toast with 2 turkey rashers and an egg (healthy fry up)
Strawberries and a meringue nest
Turkey and mushrooms with teriyaki sauce
Roasted butternut squash
Glass of wine
Spent the rest of the day in the garden planting all our vegetables and salad greens, we are going to be so healthy if it all comes up.
Crumpet with marmite
slice wholemeal toast with 2 turkey rashers and an egg (healthy fry up)
Strawberries and a meringue nest
Turkey and mushrooms with teriyaki sauce
Roasted butternut squash
Glass of wine
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Day 75 - My Lovely Husband
Ok sometimes I am fiesty sometimes I am bossy, but just sometimes (although not often) my husband gets the upper hand, and this morning he told me we were going to buy a new car whether I liked it or not as he was bored of my indecision. Ohhhh how masterful was that. So here we go, my new car, or this looks like it, mine is only a couple of years old, but couldn't find another picture. God its fab, love it, love it, love it.
Did some gardening this afternoon, but am shattered after having yet another night of only 3 hours sleep, Lottie has a nasty cold and has been sleeping badly all week so we are both exhausted. Oh well I am on cloud nine about the car so will cope with it.
Saw the most amazing moon tonight, apparently a super moon and only happens once every 20 years, but its huge!
Crumpet with marmite
Buttternut squash soup and 1 slice bread
Plaice, roasted gnocchi and peas
2 glasses of wine
1 funsize caramel
Did some gardening this afternoon, but am shattered after having yet another night of only 3 hours sleep, Lottie has a nasty cold and has been sleeping badly all week so we are both exhausted. Oh well I am on cloud nine about the car so will cope with it.
Saw the most amazing moon tonight, apparently a super moon and only happens once every 20 years, but its huge!
Crumpet with marmite
Buttternut squash soup and 1 slice bread
Plaice, roasted gnocchi and peas
2 glasses of wine
1 funsize caramel
Friday, 18 March 2011
Day 74 - Mummy Daughter Time
Had a lovely day today with my gorgeous girl, she loves house work (will soon knock that out of her don't worry) so we set about hoovering and polishing, or rather I did whilst Lottie told me what to do. Lets hope getting rid of the cleaner saves me pounds in move ways than one.
Went swimming and chatting this evening which was lovely, there is nothing quite as relaxing as a jacuzzi and a chat on a Friday night.
crumpet with light cheese slice
Butternut squash soup & a crumpet
Strawberries and meringue nest
Chicken kebab and 3 oz of chips
2 glasses of wine
Went swimming and chatting this evening which was lovely, there is nothing quite as relaxing as a jacuzzi and a chat on a Friday night.
crumpet with light cheese slice
Butternut squash soup & a crumpet
Strawberries and meringue nest
Chicken kebab and 3 oz of chips
2 glasses of wine
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Day 73 - Lessons learnt with Lemon Grass
because I spotted fresh lemon grass at the farm shop yesterday I thought hmmmmm make something Thai so I bought it and some ginger and some chillis. So today I looked up a WW recipe for Thai green curry and away I went, I thought it was a little strange that it said finely chop the lemon grass and not crush it and then take it out before eating, but I stuck to the recipe. Well the taste was delicious but I am afraid to say the meal was inedible because the finely chopped pieces of lemon grass were like little sticks. I refused to be beaten and spent ages picking them out, ate half of it and then gave up. Next time I am definitely removing the offending items!
Must be beginning to look better as I am sure my butcher was flirting with me today. Granted I must have been a bit strange as I was just on my way back from a meeting and was suited and booted with full make up, not the usual way I pitch up there. Also just had to stop and buy some fish as not only was it lovely last week, but I remembered the fishmonger was quite hot, and yes I came to that conclusion again today, just don't tell Paul!! lol
Crumpet with honey
Prawn dumplings
Walkers french fry crips
Fruit salad
half a serving of Thai green curry
fun size crunchy!!! yipppppeeeee
Must be beginning to look better as I am sure my butcher was flirting with me today. Granted I must have been a bit strange as I was just on my way back from a meeting and was suited and booted with full make up, not the usual way I pitch up there. Also just had to stop and buy some fish as not only was it lovely last week, but I remembered the fishmonger was quite hot, and yes I came to that conclusion again today, just don't tell Paul!! lol
Crumpet with honey
Prawn dumplings
Walkers french fry crips
Fruit salad
half a serving of Thai green curry
fun size crunchy!!! yipppppeeeee
Day 72 - Feeling my Age!
Sorry folks for the lack of a posting yesterday, god I must really be feeling my age because quite simply, I forgot!
Had a very busy work day and caught up with an old client who took me out for lunch to one of my favourite Italians, however he is such a good friend/client that he really helped me by upfront saying he was having a salad and then ordering San Pellegrino instead of wine, what a sweety!? I had a nicoise salad and loved it, but wasn't sure how to point it, I still struggle when I am out and can't see the nutritional values of something. I didn't have the dressing and didn't eat all the potatoes and pointed it at 14 so hopefully that will have been enough.
Was nearly late for my meeting, which I never ever do, and why? Because I couldn't decide what to wear and this time not because nothing fitted, but because suddenly I have things that DO fit. I put on a jacket I haven't worn for 3 years and it looked fab, and I felt brilliant! Loving this weight loss thing!
WW ginger and lemon cookies (I know not a great start)
Nicoisse salad, no dressing
Grilled salmon with lemon and soya sauce
Roasted butternut squash
Posh mushy peas
Had a very busy work day and caught up with an old client who took me out for lunch to one of my favourite Italians, however he is such a good friend/client that he really helped me by upfront saying he was having a salad and then ordering San Pellegrino instead of wine, what a sweety!? I had a nicoise salad and loved it, but wasn't sure how to point it, I still struggle when I am out and can't see the nutritional values of something. I didn't have the dressing and didn't eat all the potatoes and pointed it at 14 so hopefully that will have been enough.
Was nearly late for my meeting, which I never ever do, and why? Because I couldn't decide what to wear and this time not because nothing fitted, but because suddenly I have things that DO fit. I put on a jacket I haven't worn for 3 years and it looked fab, and I felt brilliant! Loving this weight loss thing!
WW ginger and lemon cookies (I know not a great start)
Nicoisse salad, no dressing
Grilled salmon with lemon and soya sauce
Roasted butternut squash
Posh mushy peas
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Day 71 - Will Power
So Lottie was having her friends Issy and Conner over for lunch today and she decided she wanted a picnic with sandwiches, little sausages, cheese, breadsticks etc, arrrrggghhhh. I actually had to lay everything out for her and then go and eat my little prawn dumplings. I must be getting better at this though because I have to say it actually wasn't that hard and I felt very virtuous afterwards.
I also ran around after all the children and so felt I had done lots of activity. Then Paul surprised us by coming home from work a little earlier than usual, which was fab as it meant I could head off to the gym. Worked really hard and can already feel myself aching!
Lottie told me I was getting smaller today, which brought a lump to my throat, finally someone has noticed!
Toast and leerdammer light slice
Steamed prawn dumplings
Stirfry turkey teryaki and mushrooms with gnocchi
1 meringue nest with mandarin segments and sugar free jelly
I also ran around after all the children and so felt I had done lots of activity. Then Paul surprised us by coming home from work a little earlier than usual, which was fab as it meant I could head off to the gym. Worked really hard and can already feel myself aching!
Lottie told me I was getting smaller today, which brought a lump to my throat, finally someone has noticed!
Toast and leerdammer light slice
Steamed prawn dumplings
Stirfry turkey teryaki and mushrooms with gnocchi
1 meringue nest with mandarin segments and sugar free jelly
Monday, 14 March 2011
Day 70 - Goal !!!!
hurrah couldnt actually believe it when i stepped on the scales this morning and had lost another 4 pounds, ok so I took off my watch and bracelet so maybe realistically it was more like 3. It means that I have now lost 31 pounds and so have achieved my first goal of losing 2 stones. I actually did a little jig round the lounge I am just so pleased. I only wish I looked different, I have to be honest and say I really cant tell any difference, ok my clothes are getting a bit loser and I have bought a pair of jeans in a smaller size, but there doesn't seem to be a huge change.
Spent most of the day sat at my desk, which isn't brilliant for exercise so I really must do some more this week, going to try and hit the gym tomorrow or wednesday and get a couple of swims in. Also need to set my next goal, which I would like to be 1.5 stones by my holiday which is June, can it be done??????
Slice wholemeal toast and leerdammer light slice
Prawn dumplings
walkers french fry crisps
Roasted butternut squash and posh mushy peas
Cadburys fudge and glass of wine - well I think I deserved it!
Spent most of the day sat at my desk, which isn't brilliant for exercise so I really must do some more this week, going to try and hit the gym tomorrow or wednesday and get a couple of swims in. Also need to set my next goal, which I would like to be 1.5 stones by my holiday which is June, can it be done??????
Slice wholemeal toast and leerdammer light slice
Prawn dumplings
walkers french fry crisps
Roasted butternut squash and posh mushy peas
Cadburys fudge and glass of wine - well I think I deserved it!
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Day 69 - Sunday School
Took Lottie to Sunday School today and she really enjoyed it. I had a huge lump in my throat walking into church as the place means so much to me, where we were married and where Lottie was Christened, it was lovely to be back.
Spent the afternoon tending to our seedlings, Lottie is so happy that the things she has planted are growing, and secretly so am I, I have always loved growing things, must take after my Grandad he was brilliant in the garden, sadly I am not!
slice of wholemeal toast
homemade butternut squash soup
squid and chorizo with mushrooms
grapes and strawberries
glass of wine
Spent the afternoon tending to our seedlings, Lottie is so happy that the things she has planted are growing, and secretly so am I, I have always loved growing things, must take after my Grandad he was brilliant in the garden, sadly I am not!
slice of wholemeal toast
homemade butternut squash soup
squid and chorizo with mushrooms
grapes and strawberries
glass of wine
Day 68 - Car Shopping
Decided that today I would finally decide upon which new car I wanted. Its so difficult because everything I seem to want won't fit on our drive, would love a 2 door sports car - problem - can only open car door on one side so Lottie would have to climb across to passenger seat. Would love larger 4x4 - problem - would fit on the drive but wouldn't be able to open doors, is that a problem!!! lol. So have finally narrowed down to BMW 1 Series, Merc B class or Qashqai.
Ok have now driven them all apart from the 1 series and have decided them are not for me. arrrrrgggghhhh, think I will just stick to what i have, and then move house, or maybe that is a bit extreme!
Not a great diet day as I am still struggling to eat very much, and then using up points with wine so I am not sure how kind the scales are going to be this week, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Crumpet with marmite
Mushroom soup (wasn't sure how much to point as was in a restaurant, but I didn't eat the bread so hopefully not too bad)
Cod fillet baked with lemons and wasabi mayonnaise
Butternut squash
Yoghurt and grapes
2 glasses of wine
Ok have now driven them all apart from the 1 series and have decided them are not for me. arrrrrgggghhhh, think I will just stick to what i have, and then move house, or maybe that is a bit extreme!
Not a great diet day as I am still struggling to eat very much, and then using up points with wine so I am not sure how kind the scales are going to be this week, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Crumpet with marmite
Mushroom soup (wasn't sure how much to point as was in a restaurant, but I didn't eat the bread so hopefully not too bad)
Cod fillet baked with lemons and wasabi mayonnaise
Butternut squash
Yoghurt and grapes
2 glasses of wine
Friday, 11 March 2011
Day 67 - down to earth with a bump
They say there is nothing like children to keep you balanced and god thats so true. During one of our many daily cuddles today, Lottie sighed happily and when I asked her was she ok, she said "yes Mummy I am just snuggling into your fat tummy" arrrrrghhhhhhhh I had to chuckle. Sometimes the complete honesty of children is wonderful, sometimes it is just hilarious.
had another busy day cleaning, god its getting to be a habit, Lottie loves it, or rather she loves ordering Mummy around, and I feel strangely happy about shifting things around and getting rid of the dirt that I had paid the cleaner to remove for the last year or so. Lets just hope it means its good exercise for me.
Crumpet with marmite
Poached egg on slice of wholemeal toast
Prawn dumplings
2 Glasses of wine
Tin of anchovies (weird I know but I love them and they are only 2 pps)
had another busy day cleaning, god its getting to be a habit, Lottie loves it, or rather she loves ordering Mummy around, and I feel strangely happy about shifting things around and getting rid of the dirt that I had paid the cleaner to remove for the last year or so. Lets just hope it means its good exercise for me.
Crumpet with marmite
Poached egg on slice of wholemeal toast
Prawn dumplings
2 Glasses of wine
Tin of anchovies (weird I know but I love them and they are only 2 pps)
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Day 66 - Manx kippers
Imagine my delight when I went to our new fishmongers and there were manx kippers hanging up, fresh ones too, none of the plastic shrink wrapped nonsense. Just had to buy some and lots more besides, I really seem to have gone back to fish, have always loved it, but stopped eating it much a few years ago as Paul doesn't really like it, well not any more, he can stick to meat, me I am on fish.
Bought allsorts at the farm shop today, I just love shopping for fresh fruit and veg, going to make soup with Charlotte tomorrow, my favourite at the moment is butternut squash and chilli, yum, yum, yum.
Worked really hard this afternoon and decided i deserved a glass of wine or two this evening, and before realising it have dipped into 7 of my weeklies, however i think I probably needed to.
Crumpet with low fat cheese slice
Wholemeal toast and humous
WW yoghurt
WW pizza
2 glasses of wine
Curly Wurly
Bought allsorts at the farm shop today, I just love shopping for fresh fruit and veg, going to make soup with Charlotte tomorrow, my favourite at the moment is butternut squash and chilli, yum, yum, yum.
Worked really hard this afternoon and decided i deserved a glass of wine or two this evening, and before realising it have dipped into 7 of my weeklies, however i think I probably needed to.
Crumpet with low fat cheese slice
Wholemeal toast and humous
WW yoghurt
WW pizza
2 glasses of wine
Curly Wurly
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Day 65 - Busy busy busy
Ok work is now busy again, but I am loving it, however it doesn't give me much time for thinking about eating, and so unfortunately I have not been eating enough this week and am down on points, which I know will show on the scales on Monday. I was thinking of just eating chocolate or drinking wine to use up the points, but I am full and it seemed silly to just use them for the sake of it. Have also been desk bound two days this week so that won't help with the activity levels, and am not going to be able to get to the gym tomorrow, arrrrgggghhhh
Oh well what will be will be, just have to try and have an energetic weekend.
crumpet with one low fat cheese slice
chicken and sweetcorn soup
1 bag walkers french fry crisps
steamed haddock fillet
Butternut squash
homemade wasabi mayonnaise (very low fat of course)
Oh well what will be will be, just have to try and have an energetic weekend.
crumpet with one low fat cheese slice
chicken and sweetcorn soup
1 bag walkers french fry crisps
steamed haddock fillet
Butternut squash
homemade wasabi mayonnaise (very low fat of course)
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Day 64 - Cleaner
Well after letting our cleaner go last week, when for 16 hours I was giving up work, I am a bit stuffed now, so decided today I had better do some. I am not sure where she was cleaning but it certainly wasn't our house, because as i pulled out sofas and chairs I saw a horrid accumulation of dust, so spent nearly 3 hours just doing one room. Oh well lets hope its as good as going to the gym. Lottie loved it although I think polishing the cushions on the sofa (and not the leather ones) was going a little too far!
Went shopping and stocked up on lots of low fat goodies and snacks, and even thought I would try a WW tikka sauce and make a curry for dinner tonight. Hubby really not impressed, and to be honest it wasn't that great, not nearly enough coconut cream or milk for my liking but I guess thats why its a WW. Did have a horrid shock at lunch time though, I had bought a WW quiche and saw that is was just 5.5 points so thought I would have a lovely lunch and have this with rocket and sweet chilli jam. Imagine my horror when I pointed it and realised it was actually 9 pps, 5.5 was the old system, it definitely wasn't that tasty, oh well, live and learn.
Took Lottie to ballet and had tears in my eyes as she is really good and just loves it, even manages to look graceful which is something after all these years I still haven't mastered!
toast and 1 tsp peanut butter
ww quiche (couldn't allow myself anything else)
WW chicken tikka
Went shopping and stocked up on lots of low fat goodies and snacks, and even thought I would try a WW tikka sauce and make a curry for dinner tonight. Hubby really not impressed, and to be honest it wasn't that great, not nearly enough coconut cream or milk for my liking but I guess thats why its a WW. Did have a horrid shock at lunch time though, I had bought a WW quiche and saw that is was just 5.5 points so thought I would have a lovely lunch and have this with rocket and sweet chilli jam. Imagine my horror when I pointed it and realised it was actually 9 pps, 5.5 was the old system, it definitely wasn't that tasty, oh well, live and learn.
Took Lottie to ballet and had tears in my eyes as she is really good and just loves it, even manages to look graceful which is something after all these years I still haven't mastered!
toast and 1 tsp peanut butter
ww quiche (couldn't allow myself anything else)
WW chicken tikka
Monday, 7 March 2011
Day 63 - Weigh in 9
wasn't sure what the scales were going to reveal today as couldn't quite believe i could still be losing after 9 weeks, this has never ever happened to me before. However when I got on it revealed a 2 pound loss taking me to 27 pounds, wooooo hooooooo, just got to push for another pound this week and then that's the first two stone gone and my first goal complete. I can't tell you how great I feel. Celebrated by eating a cadbury's fudge for breakfast, a very silly thing to do, but I felt silly! and it was all pointed so it was fine. Left me feeling hungry all morning though so that will teach me.
So much for giving up work, have never been so busy, but its for companies I love and doing really interesting projects, so thats fine, for now!
Cadburys Fudge
Tortilla wrap with strong cheddar (1/2oz) and chilli jam
Walkers french fry crisps
Prawn Dumplings, Gnocchi and posh mushy peas
2 rich tea biscuits
So much for giving up work, have never been so busy, but its for companies I love and doing really interesting projects, so thats fine, for now!
Cadburys Fudge
Tortilla wrap with strong cheddar (1/2oz) and chilli jam
Walkers french fry crisps
Prawn Dumplings, Gnocchi and posh mushy peas
2 rich tea biscuits
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Day 62, Dinosaurs and Dinner!
Had a fantastic day at the natural history museum with Lottie and Paul, Lottie absolutely loves it and is learning so much its fab. She loves the animal room and especially the blue whale, which have to say is pretty damn impressive. She took her camera with her and proceeded to photograph everything in sight for most of the day which has resulted in some very amusing photos. On a negative side lunch was decidedly dodgy and even though I went for a childs portion of chicken wrap and salad, the same as Lottie, I think we both had the same reaction - Yuck, the salad was horrible and slimy (far too greasy) and the wrap was too thick, so I left almost all of it and decided it was better to be hungry. On a positive side, I walked miles, then came home and did a couple of hours of ironing and housework, so I had better have lost tomorrow, or else!
1 slice wholemeal toast with poached egg
Yucky chicken wrap (1/4) and about 2 spoons of greasy coleslaw and bean salad
Butternut squash
Squid and chorizo and prawns
1 slice wholemeal toast with poached egg
Yucky chicken wrap (1/4) and about 2 spoons of greasy coleslaw and bean salad
Butternut squash
Squid and chorizo and prawns
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Day 61 - Everything in the garden is rosey!
Or at least it will be soon I hope. We spent the day planning our summer garden then planting away. Lottie loved it, and I think its really important that she knows where fruit and vegetables come from. It may be confusing as the tomatoes and peppers got mixed up with the chillis, but I am sure we can work it out, if, and when they grow!
Managed to avoid the temptation of bacon sandwiches, cupcakes and even a very persistant and kind little girl who despartely wanted to share her chocolate with me. I had to pretend I was going to eat it later to keep her happy.
Off to the natural history museum tomorrow so have to think about how I am going to manage eating, whether to take a picnic with me or just avoid temptation in their restaurant. Wish me luck.
Slice of wheat bread with 1 tsp of peanut butter
Spicy butternut squash soup with prawns
Cheese crackers
Asparagus and mushrooms
Glass or wine and a curly wurly - very yum!!
Managed to avoid the temptation of bacon sandwiches, cupcakes and even a very persistant and kind little girl who despartely wanted to share her chocolate with me. I had to pretend I was going to eat it later to keep her happy.
Off to the natural history museum tomorrow so have to think about how I am going to manage eating, whether to take a picnic with me or just avoid temptation in their restaurant. Wish me luck.
Slice of wheat bread with 1 tsp of peanut butter
Spicy butternut squash soup with prawns
Cheese crackers
Asparagus and mushrooms
Glass or wine and a curly wurly - very yum!!
Friday, 4 March 2011
Day 60 - Here come the girls!
Had a lovely day today as Lottie had one of her friends over in the morning and they played beautifully, meaning I could chat to her Mum and relax a little. Then this evening went swimming and relaxing in the jacuzzi, giving me more time to chat to my friend! Honestly if you could lose weight by talking I would have reached goal already.
Planning on lots of gardening tomorrow so fingers crossed for a nice day.
Toast and marmite
Spicy butternut squash soup
Chicken in pitta bread with 3oz of chips
Small glass of wine
Planning on lots of gardening tomorrow so fingers crossed for a nice day.
Toast and marmite
Spicy butternut squash soup
Chicken in pitta bread with 3oz of chips
Small glass of wine
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Day 59 - or no break!!
Ok so the decision to give up work lasted exactly 16 hours, before an old client got in touch and asked if I could help out and as they are only 400 yards away from my house, I love them to bits, and they told me I looked fantastic, I decided it would be silly to say no!!! lol So maybe I will take a break in a couple of weeks.
I did however have the day off today, well apart from the above business meeting. So I made a yummy spicy butternut squash soup and went to the gym, a really lovely day.
Am still going ahead with the reflexology training though and will be signing up and sending the deposit tomorrow!
Hovis toast with peanut butter
Prawn dumplings with a spoon of guacamole
Walkers french fry crisps
1/3rd of a seed and fruit flapjack (only 2pps dont worry)
Chicken with small spoon of satay sauce
Roasted butternut squash
1 glass of wine
I did however have the day off today, well apart from the above business meeting. So I made a yummy spicy butternut squash soup and went to the gym, a really lovely day.
Am still going ahead with the reflexology training though and will be signing up and sending the deposit tomorrow!
Hovis toast with peanut butter
Prawn dumplings with a spoon of guacamole
Walkers french fry crisps
1/3rd of a seed and fruit flapjack (only 2pps dont worry)
Chicken with small spoon of satay sauce
Roasted butternut squash
1 glass of wine
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Day 58 - A break
Decided today to take a bit of a break from work, I know I hear you all cry, I have said this many times before. However I finished a contract this morning and really feel in need of a little time off, fortunately my husband thinks the same. This hasn't stopped me setting up two business meetings for the next couple of weeks so who knows what they will bring, but I really want to just stop and take a breather for a minute or two.
Have also decided to bring forward my reflexology training and so will be starting in May instead of October, so can everyone please get their feet out earlier for me!
Did half hour on the Wii this afternoon but it wasn't that hard so I am guessing i didn't push myself hard enough, so am going to the gym tomorrow and going to do a class also, well maybe I should get used to this lady of leisure lifestyle immediately!
Hovis toast with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter
Snack sushi and prawns
walkers french fry crisps
1 ww mallow biscuits
Pork loin with mushrooms and roasted butternut squash and asparagus
Have also decided to bring forward my reflexology training and so will be starting in May instead of October, so can everyone please get their feet out earlier for me!
Did half hour on the Wii this afternoon but it wasn't that hard so I am guessing i didn't push myself hard enough, so am going to the gym tomorrow and going to do a class also, well maybe I should get used to this lady of leisure lifestyle immediately!
Hovis toast with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter
Snack sushi and prawns
walkers french fry crisps
1 ww mallow biscuits
Pork loin with mushrooms and roasted butternut squash and asparagus
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Day 57 - Needles
Had to take Lottie for her booster immunisations today, well when I say I did, I mean Paul actually took her in to see the nurse whilst I sat in the waiting room. It was horrendous I heard her scream and start crying and it tore me apart. It was over quickly and I know it had to be done but it still leaves you feeling dreadful. So what did I do as a good Mummy, I gave her a sweetie to cheer her up! Not great considering it is things like this that probably contribute to people using food as rewards, oh well once won't hurt! and it worked it cheered her up.
Spent the day with a friend I hadn't seen for ages which was lovely, and then took my lovely girl to Ballet, although she could only dance with one arm as she said the other one hurt, poor little love. Lets hope she feels better tomorrow.
Toast with marmite
Butternut squash, chickpea and rocket salad
Cod wrapped in pancetta with posh mushy peas and gnocchi
Curly wurly
Spent the day with a friend I hadn't seen for ages which was lovely, and then took my lovely girl to Ballet, although she could only dance with one arm as she said the other one hurt, poor little love. Lets hope she feels better tomorrow.
Toast with marmite
Butternut squash, chickpea and rocket salad
Cod wrapped in pancetta with posh mushy peas and gnocchi
Curly wurly
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