Thursday, 24 March 2011

Day 80 - Hurrahhhhhh for holidays

Am writing my blog early today as I know as soon as Paul gets home things will be manic.  We are going to Center Parcs tomorrow and as is my want, I like to pack the night before rather than in the morning, and, according to Paul, take the kitchen sink!

I went shopping to Windsor today to get some bits and pieces and treat myself to some new tops as I have now gone down 2 sizes and wanted to finally wear something that may show a bit of shape (thanks for the advice Jennie) I had a great time but will definitely have to hide the credit card statement from Paul when it comes in.  All those wonderful shops that I could not go into before as they didn't have anything to fit, have now come on the radar, Joules, Hobs, Gant and Fat Face are smiling today.

Because I had some new things to put away I decided to go through some of my wardrobe slim buys, eg, I will buy that and slim into it!  And I was absolutely amazed as not only did some of them now fit, but alas some of them were too big.  Well the ones with tags on are defiinitely going on ebay and the others are going in the bin, I am never going back to being that FAT!!!!

Crumpet with leerdammer slice

Tortilla wrap with quorn sausage
French Fry crisps

Prawn dumplings
Posh mushy peas

fun size flake

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