Thursday, 3 March 2011

Day 59 - or no break!!

Ok so the decision to give up work lasted exactly 16 hours, before an old client got in touch and asked if I could help out and as they are only 400 yards away from my house, I love them to bits, and they told me I looked fantastic, I decided it would be silly to say no!!! lol  So maybe I will take a break in a couple of weeks.

I did however have the day off today, well apart from the above business meeting.  So I made a yummy spicy butternut squash soup and went to the gym, a really lovely day. 

Am still going ahead with the reflexology training though and will be signing up and sending the deposit tomorrow!

Hovis toast with peanut butter

Prawn dumplings with a spoon of guacamole
Walkers french fry crisps
1/3rd of a seed and fruit flapjack (only 2pps dont worry)

Chicken with small spoon of satay sauce
Roasted butternut squash
1 glass of wine

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