Monday, 7 March 2011

Day 63 - Weigh in 9

wasn't sure what the scales were going to reveal today as couldn't quite believe i could still be losing after 9 weeks, this has never ever happened to me before.  However when I got on it revealed a 2 pound loss taking me to 27 pounds, wooooo hooooooo, just got to push for another pound this week and then that's the first two stone gone and my first goal complete.  I can't tell you how great I feel.  Celebrated by eating a cadbury's fudge for breakfast, a very silly thing to do, but I felt silly! and it was all pointed so it was fine.  Left me feeling hungry all morning though so that will teach me.

So much for giving up work, have never been so busy, but its for companies I love and doing really interesting projects, so thats fine, for now!

Cadburys Fudge

Tortilla wrap with strong cheddar (1/2oz) and chilli jam
Walkers french fry crisps

Prawn Dumplings, Gnocchi and posh mushy peas
2 rich tea biscuits

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