Friday, 11 March 2011

Day 67 - down to earth with a bump

They say there is nothing like children to keep you balanced and god thats so true.  During one of our many daily cuddles today, Lottie sighed happily and when I asked her was she ok, she said "yes Mummy I am just snuggling into your fat tummy"  arrrrrghhhhhhhh  I had to chuckle.  Sometimes the complete honesty of children is wonderful, sometimes it is just hilarious.

had another busy day cleaning, god its getting to be a habit, Lottie loves it, or rather she loves ordering Mummy around, and I feel strangely happy about shifting things around and getting rid of the dirt that I had paid the cleaner to remove for the last year or so.  Lets just hope it means its good exercise for me.

Crumpet with marmite

Poached egg on slice of wholemeal toast

Prawn dumplings
2 Glasses of wine

Tin of anchovies (weird I know but I love them and they are only 2 pps)

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