Sunday, 13 March 2011

Day 68 - Car Shopping

Decided that today I would finally decide upon which new car I wanted.  Its so difficult because everything I seem to want won't fit on our drive, would love a 2 door sports car - problem - can only open car door on one side so Lottie would have to climb across to passenger seat.  Would love larger 4x4 - problem - would fit on the drive but wouldn't be able to open doors, is that a problem!!! lol.  So have finally narrowed down to  BMW 1 Series, Merc B class or Qashqai.

Ok have now driven them all apart from the 1 series and have decided them are not for me. arrrrrgggghhhh, think I will just stick to what i have, and then move house, or maybe that is a bit extreme!

Not a great diet day as I am still struggling to eat very much, and then using up points with wine so I am not sure how kind the scales are going to be this week, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Crumpet with marmite

Mushroom soup (wasn't sure how much to point as was in a restaurant, but I didn't eat the bread so hopefully not too bad)

Cod fillet baked with lemons and wasabi mayonnaise
Butternut squash
Yoghurt and grapes
2 glasses of wine

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